13.2 🎹 Dormitory

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By the time we arrived to the station, little girl fell asleep on Mitch's chest. She was crying for some time, but the feeling of tiredness comes with the first tears. Nothing more could be expected.

I have never seen non-father care so much about little girl like that. I mean I know that Mitch cares about many things/people, but I never thought about this happening.

"I'm going to call my mom. I didn't call her yesterday and I'm pretty sure she's freaking out," I whispered to him and left the room. I found myself quieter place and dialed my mom's number.

She picked up quickly. "Honey, is everything okay? You didn't call me yesterday."

I sighed. "Nothing seems to be okay. Scott broke up with me yesterday and then I found out that some little girl found Mitch and asked for help. And we're helping her even now. Her mother was killed yesterday."

"Oh God. Are you okay? Do you need someone to fly over there?"

"No, Mitch is trying to help me. Maybe his mom should know what happened. Will you tell her to call him today?" I asked her. "I can't talk for long. I just wanted you to know that we're okay. I'll call you as soon as I can."

"Okay honey. Stay safe and say hi to Mitch for me," she was smiling. I could hear it. She loved Mitch as if he was her own.

She ended the call and I went back to the room where we were. Besides the presence of the cop nothing seemed to change. "How's your mom doing? Did you get the talk?"

"No, but I expect it to come once we'll be back at dorm," I chuckled sadly. "Did you find any of her family members?"

"Only assigned father. He's in jail, so I have to look some more. This may take a few days and I will have to call for someone who will take her, because she can't stay with you. I see how well she's doing, but law is law," the officer stood up with sigh. We understood. It was known by everyone.

"If we come to ask, will you tell us how she's doing?" Mitch asked. I could hear his concern. "Or can we at least stay with her until that someone will get here? Maybe we shouldn't be here and everything, but this girl trusted me enough to come to me and stayed with me until now. I don't want her to see other face when she wakes up. I don't want her to think that I left her, when it wasn't exactly my choice to make."

Officer nodded, but he obliviously wasn't exactly happy about it. He led us to something like cafeteria for cops, let's call it buffet. "You really care about her, don't you?"

"When I was twice her age, my parents decided to move over night to different city and when we came back two years later, my best friend became my enemy, because he thought I left him. I'm not putting this little angel through that experience," Mitch said and petted little girl's back while she nuzzled closer to him.

I knew how nice it felt to let him hug you, so I wasn't surprised she was nuzzling. But the picture in front of my eyes was really cute. They looked like father and his little kid. "You two are like you knew each other before."

"Yet I never met her before yesterday. She is just scared and I am trying to show her that it's going to be okay. She had enough bad things for her age." He petted her back.

Eventually she woke up. Her eyes looked really bad. She looked around. She probably realized what happened and her eyes filled with tears. "Mommy," she pouted.

"I'm so sorry," Mitch wiped her cheek. "I know it hurts, but it will get better," he whispered to her ear. She looked at me. I have never saw so much sadness in one's eyes.

I petted her hair. "I hope they will find someone for her. I don't want to believe that there wouldn't be anyone left in her family." I looked at Mitch. He smiled at me sadly and pulled me closer.

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