22. 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Just like the story said

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For past few days I've been reading this fascinating story on one page that our fans suggested, when we asked about any fan-fiction they liked. Mitch and Scott said that it would be fun to make Superfruit video with whole group. We agreed since we're supportive friends and there's always a lot of fun, listening to Scott stutter or fail at talking.

It's been few months since then and I got quite hooked up on some of the stories. My fiancé got hooked up soon after me and now we read it before we fall asleep and after we have breakfast.

"Kit, this one was quite real. This one was written the same way I imagined you leaving me. I always thought you'd leave me and go to Mitch after I told you that all the chemistry is gone," my dearest significant other said to me.

"Are you trying to be less obvious about telling me, you want to leave me?" I raised my eyes from my screen. He shook his head and sat closer to me. "Don't even think about nuzzling anywhere closer to me. You just told me that you thought of leaving me and imagined me being in relationship with my ex gay boyfriend, who's happily living with my best friend," I stood up. "Why would you think of leaving me?"

He tilted his head on a side. "You know, that's not how I meant it."

"You know what? I'm going to see my friends until I calm down and maybe won't be upset that you want to leave me," I took my purse, jacket and left. I went to Scott and Mitch's house.

As I was reaching to knock on their door, they opened and Mitch bumped into me, sending us both to the ground. "Ugh," he stood up cracking his back in the process. "Are you okay?" he helped me up.

"Well I had both better and worse day. What about you, tank?" I chuckled.

He slapped me playfully. "Do you want me to run over you again?" he chuckled.

"No thank you, I'm good. Why are you so mad?" I asked taking all my things that got out of my bag.

He rubbed his forehead. "Scott is acting like a jackass. He got so obsessed with a fanfiction and whole yesterday evening he spent talking about one where you left your dearest fiancé for me or something like that. I ignored him, so I don't know, what exactly he was saying but that's what I remembered. He was very annoying and I was feeling little push away from punching him," he chuckled as we started walking.

"Believe it or not, but that's exactly why I went to see you two. My "dearest fiancé" started talking about it and it felt more as he was trying to say that I should get ready for him leaving me. I don't understand. He knows you less than since you told me that you're gay and now, out of nowhere he tells me that he expected me to leave him just like in that story." I was moving my hands everywhere around me because I was very frustrated.

Mitch stood in front of me. "Me being gay doesn't change how much I care about you since I got to know you. You're still my little girl that I will always love and adore for everything. If you want me to go punch your second half, I will. But in that case I'm asking for a similar favor." He took my shoulders as he spoke.

I leaned to his chest and wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me closer and kissed my head. "Thank you, but I can punch on my own." I giggled when I felt him nod. We let go and started walking again. "Life seemed so much easier when we were teenagers."

He smiled. "Yeah. Sounds like times we could use lately. Can you believe that my roommate thought that me - gay without any stop sign - and you - a woman with fiancé - would get back together? Gay and engaged woman." He giggled. "Sounds like very bad reality show. But I love reality shows, so I would watch it anyway," he shrugged.

I looked up at him. "And since your watching buddy is being mean lately, I will gladly take over his place. Maybe I will bring some snacks."

"Sounds perfect." He smiled and squeezed me for a moment. "This wants a little celebration shopping." I nodded and we went by the plan.

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