14. 🔀 Mutant?

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I got a bit carried away by X-men. Heh :D

When he was little kid, maybe 5, he started noticing things. Those things were making him different. Much different than he would want. Kids never wanted to play with him, talk to him, be near him. His whole life he was outsider. All he had were his parents. They were always by his side. They never thought of him as curse. They always said, he got blessed.

I bet, you're wondering about his ability, aren't you? Well let's say, he can be very dangerous.

You still want to know more, don't you? Fine, I will tell you the difference. His arms have one more bone each. You would say fine, nothing weird, right? The problem? It's on the outside. You still say, it is okay? It's not when you're 5 and it's sharp.

You're asking how much? Something like old swords used in Asian countries.

He learned to barely leave the house. He's 20 now and he works as writer. He has girlfriend that loves him, but she doesn't know about his secret. He's too scared to tell her.

"Hey, I'm home," why should I talk, when they're both here already? Let's take a look at them, shall we? "Teddy bear? Really, headphones again?" she giggles, hugging him from behind, scaring him for split of second.

"Hey, my little princess. How was work today?" he smiles and kisses her cheek.

"Those little creatures are cute," her statement is surprising for him. "Then you start to hear them and try to do everything you can to keep them alive until their parents come," she giggles and hugs him.

"How can you do that? Every single day listening to all that screaming and crying?" he pulls her to sit on his lap.

"I feel like it's where I belong," he pouts at her.

"And here I am thinking you belong to my side," she lays her head down on his shoulder with soft sigh.

"I am all yours, don't pout at me," he smiles. "It's so hot, why do you keep wearing these long-sleeves?" he looks down and his smile fades away. "No matter what you're going to say, I will stay by your side. Even if you would say, you have.... purple arms."

"I can assure you, I don't have that. But I don't know, if you will react the same way about it. It's not about color. I never told anyone since I was 5 or 6, because I knew they would run away in fear," he sighs. "That's why I barely leave the house, or why I was so much weirder when we met outside. I swear to God, that was the most terrifying experience I have done till this day. Going outside is almost like a phobia for me."

"What are you trying to say? We're together for over a year now and- You were scared that I would leave, weren't you?" she asks, stroking his cheek.

"Except for my parents everyone ran away. I was known as diamond. I could scratch through anything," he says and when she smiles at him, his body fills with surprise.

"You're my diamond now," she smiles some more and lays her head back down on his chest. "You're precious for me no matter what, even if you're one of the mutants. You fought for me, saved me and cared about me, when nobody else did."

"But I could hurt you whenever you were near. I risked your life and you didn't even know about it. One night I could wake up in pool of your blood and dead body," tears roll down his cheek at the picture of that horrific moment.

"But you didn't. That's important. I'm still here and alive," she sits up and pulls his face to look at her. "Will you show me what you have?"

"It's just sharp external bone," as his shirt goes up, it's tearing apart due the sharpness of the bone. "I mean it's not that different by color, but then comes the way it's connected to my body and that makes it visible," his arm is now fully shown.

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