42.1 🏳️‍🌈 Tricked or...

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Hey guys, new story (two-shot this time). If you see mistakes, let me know, I literally wrote both chapters in a day bc I felt invested in where my unpredictable mind would take it.

I hope you like it and if you do don't forget to vote and/or comment. I'm working on more stuff, currently finishing the second third of Fight For U(s) and I'm working on Family too. I have also other books that I'm working on and it's showing (Haunted Mansion) and some that are not ready to be published.

So vote and comment to remind me that there's a point to the writing even for you and not just for me :) <3


"Hey, Trevor, guys wanna go play Truth or Dare. Wanna join?" One of the jocks called into the house from the living room.

Trevor yelled back: "Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." He flushed and splashed his face with cold water. He wanted to sobber up a bit because he knew that he wanted to keep his sense at least a bit with the guys.

He walked back to the living room and sat among the playing people. They played for nearly an hour, but since there were so many people they were on maybe 3rd round. They played for another 2 rounds when Trevor got dared something he never expected. His teammates dared him to go out with one of the school's nerds. He was pleased that it wasn't the introverted one, but the one who was willing to open up quickly. Plus they chose the openly gay one and not the other one.

He sighed and texted the boy asking if he would want to go out. They agreed that he did the first part of the dare (but that they would continue based on the boy's answer) and kept playing.

Noah answered in the morning because he was already asleep by the time he received the text. Trevor wanted to tell the boy that it was a dare, but he was told not to because "it would be more fun in the end".

They agreed to meet up that Friday for a drink, to start things off and see where it would go. And the more Trevor thought about that date, the more he couldn't wait. Something in him was getting very excited whenever he thought about it.

Then Friday came and Trevor was getting very anxious. "Mom, I'm going out!" He called into the house. He knew that he could go, but he wanted her to know that he wasn't going to be home for a while.

"Okay, stay safe out there." She called from the kitchen counter as she was making herself coffee.

He left for the cafeteria, as he and Noah agreed. The whole time he was telling himself "Don't worry, you only like girls, there's nothing that could go wrong. You're not gay, you won't get played, you will just go out with him a few times, then guys will get bored and you ghost him. It's gonna be okay" and he repeated that to himself the whole way to the meeting.

When he got there, he was a few minutes early and the boy was not there yet. He was about to text him that he was already there when he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hey, glad to see that you're also a bit early. It doesn't make me seem eager or something." Noah smiled.

Trevor smiled at him. "Well, I must admit I got anxious and a bit eager to get here when I was leaving school today. I must say that you delivered more than I expected." He looked the boy up and down.

The boy's cheeks went a bit red. "Well, I was asked out by one of the jocks, who are known to be judgemental players so even if I get played, I'm still going to look good." He winked. "Shall we?" He motioned to the door with his hand.

Trevor nodded and opened the door for Noah. They talked for what seemed like a few minutes and a few hours at the same time. Trevor didn't expect to enjoy his company so much. He thought that he would get there, talk to Noah, and then go home. He didn't think that he wouldn't want to leave their table when their drinks were finished.

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