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Characters: Trenton Simpson, Danielle Jacks, Maria Christine

User TS logged in

@dj: hey

@ts: hi. What made you text me?

@dj: you're online, heh, I just got this app. I'm bored and my friend told me about this

@ts: then let's talk

@dj: I hope you're not awake bc of me. Pls tell me you don't have middle of night there

@ts: nah you're good. I got back from school two hours ago

@dj: thank god. I don't think it would be nice to keep somebody awake

@ts: you're good

And that's how the friendship began. They talked whole day. Trenton felt bad tho. He lied to Danielle. He felt like if he'd tell that they were in the same class, he'd ruin everything.

He knew one day he would have to tell her everything, but he felt scared at the moment. He could lose everything he built up during multiple days - he could ruin it in few seconds just by few sentences

@dj: I would really love to meet you. You are amazing person to talk to. I finally feel like there's someone I can open up to

Trenton was caught off guard and his shock made him spit his tea all over his phone. Being in his classroom while having free class was something that always sounded nice to him. Especially when he's not alone and his tea is all over him and his phone.

@ts: really? I'm glad I can be helpful, but I'm not sure if meeting me is what you really want

Danielle laughed silently. They were sitting few seats away and Trenton could hear her.

@dj: why do you think so? Are you actually scared I'm guy and I will sell you to somebody?

@ts: it's not you. Well it's more complicated than that. I don't think you would actually be happy with meeting me. You may be excited about it now, but I don't think that my listening skills would help me to not let you leave

@dj: unless you're going to tell me that you're one of my classmates, you're good

Trenton's breath hitched. Few guys - including Danielle - looked at him. "Sorry."

"Something isn't okay with you today. What is it?" Danielle asked.

He chuckled. "You wouldn't believe me even if I looked deep into your eyes and told you what's going on."

Her eyes looked deep in his. "My guess is-" she took her phone and texted him through the app:
@dj: that you're my little Trenty and you panicked when I wanted to meet

Almost right after she hit send button, his phone lighted up. He ignored it. "Aye buddy, don't you want to check what your girlfriend wants," girl beside Trenton nudged him.

"Well that would be stupid. I'm still single," he stood up and left the classroom. He walked in toilets and splashed his face with cold water. Then his phone lighted up again.
@dj: I never knew I was that good

@ts: what? I don't understand your last two messages. What do you mean?
He responded hoping it would do something else than what it actually did.

@dj: who exactly do you think you're lying to?

@ts: what do you mean?

@dj: oh come on, you think I will leave bc I told you I don't want you to be my classmate
I know you are and I'm not going to be mean bc of that. You're amazing person to text with and it won't change... hopefully

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