42.2 🏳️‍🌈 ... or Treated?

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Hey guys, new story (two-shot this time). If you see mistakes, let me know, I literally wrote both chapters in a day bc I felt invested in where my unpredictable mind would take it.

I hope you like it and if you do don't forget to vote and/or comment. I'm working on more stuff, currently finishing the second third of Fight For U(s) and I'm working on Family too. I have also other books that I'm working on and it's showing (Haunted Mansion) and some that are not ready to be published.

So vote and comment to remind me that there's a point to the writing even for you and not just for me :) <3


When they let go, Noah pulled Trevor to the room. "I can't let you walk around the world looking like this. You're going to get sorted and then you will be allowed to go home." He chuckled.

Trevor did as well and wiped his face of any remaining tears or stains. "I also brought you something that I was going to give you this week under normal circumstances and I still wanted to give it to you even after what happened. It's been meant for you and no matter if it changes anything for better or worse, I want you to have it." He reached for his backpack. He sniffed and pulled out a present. He handed it to Noah and sniffed again.

Noah smiled at him. "Why would you get me something?"

"Because I like you and this reminded me of you." He gulped again.

Noah opened it and it was a shirt of a band that he listened to. He had an old shirt with them, so getting a new one was something he wanted but couldn't have just yet. "How did you?"

"Despite the school's belief we notice other people and it seems like you caught my eyes more than others." Trevor smiled. His cheeks would show his embarrassment if they weren't already red because of the tears. "I saw you wearing a shirt with their picture and then I saw this and I knew that I needed to get it for you." He laid his head on Noah's shoulder.

"You really care for me and notice me, don't you?" Noah looked at the boy with his head leaning on his shoulder. "This is amazing."

Trevor snuggled closer. "There's also something hidden below it. And you better not try to make me take it back." He wrapped his arms around Noah.

He looked below the shirt and saw tickets. "How did you?"

"You said while we were out that you wish you could go see them, but your parents didn't want to buy you the ticket. I told you I listen." He looked up.

Noah turned to him. "I never thought that you would remember, especially since I don't remember telling you." He chuckled and wrapped his arms around Trevor to pull him into a tight hug.

"I may have left out a big detail, but I never lied," Trevor whispered and snuggled into Noah's neck. "I never thought I was straight, but I never even wondered if I could fall for a boy. But we're here now and I'm enjoying all that is given to me." He admitted.

Noah sniffed. "I can't thank you enough."

Trevor pulled them apart. "You don't have to thank me. Just take it and we'll be even."

Noah wiped his eyes and smiled. "Not even my friends have ever done this for me."

"Yeah well, I seem to be a bit different, don't I?" Trevor chuckled.

Noah nodded. "Very much so. You know you didn't have to do this?"

Trevor nodded. "I wanted to do it." Noah blushed a bit and pulled Trevor for a kiss. Despite the shock, Trevor didn't hesitate. Then they pulled away. "Yeah, that was what I imagined it would be like and I like it." Trevor chuckled and his cheeks decided to return to red.

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