32. 🔀 Nothing can change this

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Hey there folks, new chapter here, read the whole thing including author's notes.

My best friend said that I should actually say this, even tho I wouldn't do this to her, but sure, it was her idea... Based on real events. Of course I changed up few things, but the plot and point of this is still the same.

In case you see any mistakes, ignore them. I'm writing this as I'm getting more and more pissed. It will take me few reads to make all the mistakes to disappear, but this has to go out asap. My best friend asked for it, who am I to stand in the way, right?

And to the friend - the ending is as real is I could put it based on changes

Enjoy ;)


I was sitting on my bed, thinking what I can do to help the situation. My best friend has been sleeping with our roommate. That wouldn't be a problem if they were both single and their partners weren't living with us. The living is the smallest problem tho. The fact that they're cheating is the problem that I can't get over.

Today I decided to talk to my best friend about it. I don't care about what Christian wants to do with his life, but I care about the fact that my best friend crossed lines that she knows about. She knows that I have some morals and I hate when people cross certain lines.

I was sitting on my bed, waiting for her to get back from school so we can talk. She came back after a while. "Whoa, why that serious?" She chuckled and went to her bed.

"It's time to talk." I said and patted my bed to signalize that it would be better if she sat down on my bed. Walls here are quite thin.

She sighed, rolled her eyes and did so. "I won't say it after this - we knew what we could lose."

My hands tightened into fists. "You pretend like it's only about you two, but it's not. There are other people that it affects, just because it didn't hit yet, doesn't mean that it won't hit in the future." I said as calmly as I possibly could. "Which part of it is so worth it that you risk both of your relationships? What is making it worth it even tho you're going to hurt two other people?"

She looked away doing her best not to roll her eyes. "What eyes don't see, heart won't feel." She said as if it made her look smart.

"Eyes may not see it now, but ears may hear it. Sleep or not. Plus everything once comes to light." I said. I hate when people pretend like some of their actions are forgivable.

"Unless you're about to tell them, they won't know." She shrugged.

My knuckles turned white. "Unlike you, I don't want to hurt others like that."

"It happened once, it will happen again." She shrugged again.

"It better stop soon, because the more it happens the more your partners are going to be hurt. Especially if this isn't over by then." I said. "You can't think about the future and I don't like it. How would you feel if it was the other way around?" I asked.

"Stuff happens." She shrugged again.

I took a deep breath. "Stuff like this happens once and it's forgivable, but this isn't one time thing and that's the problem. He has fiancé - boy he asked to marry him, to live their lives together. Now you two are being little pleasure sluts each time you get drunk." I whisper-yelled. I didn't want to be heard by guys behind the wall. "You know that there are some lines and you keep crossing this one." I said.

She rolled her eyes and stood up. "We knew the risks." She said.

"Maybe you should start thinking about the consequences that it's going to have and the fact that you're the one responsible." I murmured and turned to my own thing, thinking that the conversation would be over.

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