10.4 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Why not solve this finally?

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Kirstie sat up and said: "Because I can't look to his eyes and not see the man that left me twice apparently. As he said, there is three years gap for me, so he did it again. I didn't even get chance to say sorry and everything was gone. He threw me away without twitch in his eye. I'm not toy that you play with and then get it away," I felt Scott's hand my cheek with tear stain. "I thought he loved me and then boom - nothing."

I wiped my eyes and hid my face in both of my hands. "Whoa, I never thought this could get any more complicated. I was stupid." Matt's voice resonated in my ears

"No, you were same as me before we came back from tour. I couldn't imagine that the love of my life would do such a thing. But here we are. I nearly died, lost my little boy and broke something that I always wanted to protect from all kinds of danger," I mumbled to my hands. "I want to rewind this life, just to see what would happen if I didn't see them back then. Maybe everything would be better or maybe worse. I love Scott and taking care of him, but moving on from Kirstin is mission impossible for me," I felt head on my thigh and heart on top floor of hospital in Australia. "What am I supposed to do?" I looked between Esther and Kevin.

"What does your head tell you?" Kevin took chair from behind the door and set it between Kirstie's bed and mine.

"That I made very big mess out of my life. I want it to get solved, but I don't know how. Even if Kirstie would give me another shot, I wouldn't be able to take it, because of Scott. I don't want this little butt to leave me and there can't be both of them. If I want to sort this out I'd have to choose, but I can't. I mean this is my little boy, that I take as if he is my son by my genes, but on the other hand there's Kirstie that I love more than everything else. I'm scared that if I will choose, I will make mistake that will hurt the other one and I don't want that. I know this whole thing can't stay this way, but I'm in position where I can choose wrong enough to destroy everything I have left," I looked from him to Kirstie. "Each of those possible choices means putting someone away and hurting them, but I can't do it."

"So you're not in good situation and position," Matt repeated what I said in shorter version. I nodded. I didn't know where to look, what to say. "So you're stuck," I nodded again.

"Don't cwy," Scott wiped my cheeks and hugged me, making me cry even more. I hugged him tightly, pulling him closer.

"I love you, baby boy," I whispered, hiding my face in his hair. I didn't know where to jump, when I felt hand on my back. I didn't want to know who's it was.

"Mitchie?" after that there was complete and rather awkward silence. "Oh stop this and deal with it," I could hear her annoyance. "Last thing I know, is us dating and if you can't deal with it than leave."

"Auntie Kiwstie?" Scott asked her. That was the moment of the most awkward silence ever. I let go of him and wiped my tear stained face. She was looking at Scott, then at me and this cycle repeated few more times, leading to her staring at me with big question mark in her face.

"What? I am aunt now? Will someone finally explain everything to me?" she whined looking from one of us to another one. "I remember being in amazing relationship with Mitch and next thing I know, he's parenting Scott, Avi is gone and I'm Scott's aunt. Where the hell am I?"

"You're three years in future. Well for you this is sorta future, for us it's present." Matt said, adding to the awkwardness.

"Very helpful, Matt," Esther sighed. "Look. Maybe I will make it even worse, but I don't think there's any other way," in that moment I knew what was coming. Esther said everything that happened this past three years, including my cuts and the last six months. I felt more embarrassed than ever before. Not even her note about me being the strongest one helped.

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