18. 🏳️‍🌈 Detective

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"Jared Lewis, LAPD, open the door," man banged on the door, screaming. "One last warning, open the door," nothing happened.

One of the cops kicked the door out, making way for male detective, who immediately walked in with loaded gun aiming in front of him in case, his criminal is armed or trying to run away. Three other cops went after him, checking every room.

"Go to bedroom and try to not shoot everybody inside, Rodgers," detective motioned to one of the cops, who stopped by him.

"Copy that," Rogers opened the door and walked over to bed of the murderer. He slowly took blanket from the bed, revealing their murderer and some female. "Jared Lewis, you're under arrest for multiple murders and robberies," he got handcuffs on hands of the male.

Female screamed and jumped out of the bed, right into detective's arms. "Hey, everything is okay. Calm down," she was shaking, still standing in his arms.

"Get your hands away from her. Let her go," Jared screamed, as he was led away. Cops left with their guy, leaving both detective and scared female all alone. She was shaking, but still didn't say anything, just shaking. Detective got his arms around her, trying to calm her down.

"I won't hurt you. I'm not the bad guy," she looked at him, as he sat them both down. "Tell me your name."

"Kathryn Josh," her heart was beating so fast.

"I'm Derek. I'm here, so that man won't hurt you nor anyone else. Can I ask you few questions now, or you want to go to precinct with me and answer them there?" she looked around.

"Will you protect me?" she stuttered out. In Derek's entire career wasn't such case, where someone would be so scared. He brought her back into his arms, hugging her again.

"Of course I will," she felt little relieved, that somebody seemed to care. She believed him. "Do you feel any better?" she nodded slowly. "Come on, we'll get you to precinct, okay?" he stood up with her, slowly guiding her to his car in front of the building.

"Will he be there?"

"Yes, but he won't get close to you," she sat on her seat and hugged her knees. "There will be always someone with you. Most of the time me, but I will have to talk to him at some point."

"So he won't be near me?" detective shook his head. "Won't he be able to escape?" Derek shook his head again.

"You don't have to see him ever again. Maybe at the court house, but he won't be able to get close to you," he looked at her real quick, before looking back at the road in front of them. "What did he do to you? Did he hurt you in any way?"

"He wanted to rape me, but I was screaming and kicking, so he left and then I remember you coming and taking me away from him. Thank you for saving me," she smiled at him, not being sure, if he saw her.

"It's my job to keep you safe. Anything else I can do for you?" he parked the car in front of private hospital that had no signs.

"No," he stopped the engine and got of the car.

"Can I ask you to come with me? My friend doctor will look at you, in case you have any injuries," he opened the door on her side. She looked everywhere around his car, before nodding. "You don't have to be scared, he's not here."

Her shaking legs slowly touched the ground. "Are you sure?" even her voice started shaking.

"Of course I'm sure. Do you want me to carry you?" she was surprised by his suggestion. "If you want, you can say yes, I won't judge you. I understand you're scared of everything, because you think, he will be there. Now I'm here to guarantee you that you're going to be okay," he took her cold hands in his warm ones.

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