34. 😈🏳️‍🌈🎹 How a wish changed everything

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Hey guys, new chapter is here and I really hope you'll enjoy it. If you do, you know what to do :)


Lucifer was sitting on his typical seat in his club. Drink in one hand and young female on the other side of him. "And what is it that you truly desire?" he asked and sipped from his drink.

Man, few years older than the 25 year old girl by Lucifer, stepped from one foot to the other. "I really want to erase Mitch Grassi from life of one man."

"Oooh. Lovely, sounds like I can use help of my friend. Now before you leave, why don't you tell me more about why do you want mister Grassi to disappear?" Lucifer looked deep into man's eyes.

Man shivered and tried to resist the need to tell him. "I-" he didn't want to say it. "I need him gone-" he stopped himself. He really didn't want to say it out loud. "He's taking one man's eyes and I want to be with him. And Mitch is in the way."

Lucifer let go with his charm and chuckled. "Why didn't you say so right away? There are many ways to help you with that." Man stood up with smile. "But don't forget - now you owe me one and I can come collect it at any time I feel like it."

"I need him gone sooner than Friday hits. I don't want to see them actually having their wedding." Man said and wiped sweat off his face.

Lucifer smirked. "Someone wants to be the bride, but it's actually just bridesmaid. Today's Monday. Come here around Thursday evening and I will give you news that you may or may not want to hear. Now go and have fun."

Man was the last one for that day. Lucifer was left alone for the rest of the evening. Mazikeen came up to him with his glass. "What did this pity human want? It seemed more interesting than others. You seemed more interested." She sat next to her boss.

"He needs one person gone before Friday. He wants to prevent some wedding. Humans - I never met anyone who would actually understand them besides my father. They are so simple and yet so complex that it's getting impossible for me to understand them and it can get frustrating when I think about it," the devil said with chuckle and drank his liquor.

Demon shrugged. "Then don't think about it - problem solved."

Lucifer chuckled. "Smarty-pants. I know, but I want to live here and it means that I need to understand them a little. Can you imagine what it may look like if I don't follow their rules at least a bit. Now it's time for me to do little bit of research about some Mitch Grassi. I want to know who I'm going after." Lucifer stood up. "More I know about this favor more I want to do it. This time I have this feeling that it's going to be life changing."

What he meant and what was about to happen were two different things that could be called life changing. He expected something completely different. But all he needed was one look and his plan blew up.

By the time he got through everything he wanted/needed to know, it was little over midnight and Luci decided to go to bed. He knew that his work won't be easy. He got a lot of information, but he didn't like some of them.

His night went by very quickly. He was woken up by his brother. "Luci, it's time to go back."

"I highly doubt that, brother. I found myself very interesting job. I got asked for a favor and this time I actually want to get it done. This is the one I've been looking for." Lucifer got up and went to his bathroom. Amenadiel went right after his brother. "Oh no, brother, this is private place. I am going to shower and I don't need your creepy butt in the same room as naked me."

"Brother. You have to go back. You know how upset father can be. You don't want that," Amenadiel said to his brother from the other side of the door.

Lucifer opened them just enough for his head to be seen. "Actually that's exactly what I want. He casted me away and gave me reputation of all the evil in the world and expected me to be okay with it. I will not tolerate it. I am my own king and king of hell too, so shush and let me take a shower." Lucifer closed the door and went to do his business.

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