31. 🏳️‍🌈 Acceptance

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Decided to go with how I hoped my coming out (on my bday at the beginning of April) -> Christmas would go in 2021 as inspiration.

Hope y'all don't mind and maybe even like a little <3

Also I'm from Slovakia, we eat sourkraut and potato salad with fish. We also don't wait till morning on 25th, we don't pretend that Santa brings us gifts while we sleep. I'm going with that. Again I hope you don't mind


"Mom, dad, there's something I wanted to talk to you about." I came to the room and sat on the same bed as my parents who were watching the TV.

My mom silenced the show and looked at me. "What's going on, honey? Is everything alright?"

I looked at my hands on my lap and took a deep breath. "I'm pan and I'm trans." I said quietly. I knew they wouldn't be the happiest but I thought that maybe they would accept me, I'm their child after all.

I looked up at my dad, who I always took as my ally. He wasn't smiling like he usually was. It felt like I was looking at a stranger and not the good kind.

My mom sighed. "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. Not in a mean way, but like 'I'm going to ask as if I'm interested' kind of way.

I gulped. I felt like I was going through the most important exam of my life. "That I can like anyone regardless of who they are. It doesn't matter to me whether they are boy or girl or somewhere else on the spectrum. And I'm not the girl that my birth certificate says I am. I'm a boy." I started shaking, no matter how hard I tried not to.

My mom shook her head. "We accept it." She wasn't smiling, but she was frowning either, so I took it as something positive way. I looked at dad and he nodded with his stone face. That concerned me.

I hugged them both and kissed their cheeks. "I'm glad. I love you both. I knew I could count on you both." I smiled at them. I wanted them to see that their acceptance was all I needed. I told them the name I started using and everything along with that.

Me trying to look at the bright side of things in some cases, I felt good about it and when I got back to my room, I called my best friend that I took as my sister. We knew each other since primary school. "Hey, how's your evening going?" She greeted me.

"Hey. It seems to be going well." I said cheerfully but not very loudly.

I heard a sigh come from the other side. "You came out to your parents, didn't you?"

"Yeah. It's not like I wanted to keep it from them." I said truthfully. "It's not a little secret."

I heard even louder sigh. "Not that I would have a problem with any parts of you, besides the fact that you don't want to go parties with me. But we're talking about your parents. They were always sh*tting on the community are you sure that this won't cause more damage than good?" She asked with worried voice.

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. "I don't, but I have to trust them that their kid is more important than whatever crap they believe to be true." I said optimistically. I wanted to be optimistic, we were talking about my family.

My mom went by my room and she didn't even look my way. That's when I knew something was off. I knew they wouldn't be that happy, but this started to feel like I was a foreigner. "I really hope you're right, because if they break your heart, I will be pissed." She said.

"Based on the way my mom just went by my room, I think stuff is about to go lower than hell." I said. I knew that my mother would hear me, because she was in the next room and if I leaned back, I would be able to see her. "All my life they say that I should not lie, so I thought that saying this would at least give me some truth points, but all it seems to give me is one big negative. I don't want to take it back because I did nothing wrong, so it's only up to them to meet me in the middle." I said and went to my notebook to do my homework while on call.

"Dude, of course there wouldn't be any positive points. If they could, they would send every queer person to hell and they don't even believe in those things." She said and I knew that she was right.

I closed my eyes for a second to try to stop tears from coming into my eyes. "But they showed double standards. There are so many things when they pretend to be like "if it's there then this and if it's here then that" and then when I need it for once in my life, it's not like that." I said. I knew I was loud enough for my mother to hear me without a single problem.

I heard sigh both from my friend and from my mother. "It's not like it because they don't really know how to love someone. You know that their minds are way too closed for that. You literally told me that when we first went to your place to get couple things. They literally thought of me as the worst possible kid because I had blue ends of my hair. I mean I'm no angel, but I would most definitely not hurt anyone." She said and that made me smile a little. She still remembered my words.

"Again, they've got broken along the way and lost all the humanity that is needed to be a decent human." I said. I knew my mother could hear me and I wasn't afraid of it. What was the worst that she could do? Throw me out of the house? That would be a blessing considering that she cannot even respect me - her child.

We talked for a while longer and when we were done I went back to what I love doing - drawing. After a while my mother came to my room. "Who were on phone with?"

"My best friend?" I said. "You ask as if I call with other people too." I sighed and turned back to my drawing.

"Did you tell her what you told us?" She put her hands on her sides.

I looked up at her. "Why?"

"I don't really want other people to know. It could destroy my career." She said as if she expected me to already think that.

"Well unlike your tone and face. She knows, respects and helps me anytime I need. She even helped me understand some of the labels I went through because I did my research so that I can be sure of what I'm telling you." I responded. I did my best to control myself and not yell at her.

She huffed and left. I pissed her off and I could not care less about what she wanted or her career. For the next few months of the year nothing was different compare to the days before my birthday. As if nothing has happened.

Then Christmas came and I wrapped all the gifts my parents handed to me because I'm the main person to wrap gifts around here. Then I put the gifts under the tree and went to do my own stuff.

Eventually evening came and we sat down to eat our dinner. I noticed that there were few more packages. I didn't care, because I thought they were for my parents.

When we finished our food and it settled a bit in our stomachs we got to the presents sitting under the tree. My father picked the first box and handed it to my mother. The next one was for me.

At first I didn't notice, but before I tore the whole paper apart, I noticed my name on it. The name they gave me was nowhere to be seen. I didn't even hear that name, but that could be because nobody was saying anything.

When I thought we were done, my parents pulled out one more gift. It bended as it had only one side held up. I opened it and my eyes filled with tears. It was trans and pan flags sewed into one with my name sewed on top of it.

I put it around me as a cape and cried into the corners in my hands. My dad sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "We just needed a little bit of time, honey."

Mom sat down on my other side and kissed my head. "We did take a lot of time, but we got there. Sorry IT took so long." She whispered to my hair.


I hope y'all liked it. It didn't finish that way in my case, but it feels nice to have a good ending at least here :)

Merry Christmas, folks
- Alex
24.12. 2021 11:33pm

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