29. 🏳️‍🌈 Back in their days

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Hey there folks,

Alex is back with one more trans centered chapter. If you don't like it, well nobody is forcing you to be here. Actually, I want you to leave, because you're not human.

With this cleared out of the way. The rest of you. Hey, welcome and I hope you'll like it :)
- Alex


Gentle knock on the main door of an apartment got both 60 year-olds confused. Nobody knocked that way out of anyone they knew. They went to the door to see who's there - it was a girl around the age of their child and a boy who seemed to be the same age. "Hi, how can we help you?" The older woman asked.

"I wanted to meet my future parents-in-law. We're going to be a family and I think it's right for us to know each other." She smiled cheerfully. She really loved her fiance and she couldn't wait to share their last name.

The elders looked at one another. "There must be a mistake, we have a daughter. Maybe you should try some of our neighbors." The woman talked again.

Girl looked at the boy and giggled silently. "I'm sure there's a lot to talk about them."

Boy nodded with unhappy smile - he never liked his parents. "For sure there's tons of news. I mean it's been few years since we last saw each other." He cocked his eyebrow and looked right into the eyes of his father.

The older man furrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know who you are, but please leave." He said.

Boy chuckled. "I told you they wouldn't recognize their own child. I mean I have a beard and a d*ck instead of tits and a hole." He kissed his fiance on side of her head. "Oh and the short hair my mother never wanted on my head."

"Wait what, you're-" he stopped his mother before she could say his dead name.

"No. I was her way back in the days. Now I'd prefer if you called me Addie." He said. He knew that they were going to keep misgendering him and he was s bit willing to accept it, but his dead name was dead for a reason. It needed to stay dead. "I know all about your "trans people are not natural or normal" and all the other stuff. But I'm telling you now - this is the body your child needed since the beginning." He said proudly. He wasn't afraid to tell them the truth anymore, he knew that there was nothing they could do to him.

The woman stepped aside from the door. "Come in, we don't have to discuss this outside."

The younger couple smiled and walked in. "Thank you. It's nice to be let in the place, where I grew up, by my own parents." The boy chuckled.

The girl slapped his chest. "Be nice." She said and looked at her future parents-in-law. "He's been more confident since he got through the whole transition." She squeezed his hand.

"Can I get you anything before we dive into the important topics?" Addie's mother asked.

The couple shook their heads. "No, we ate on our way here. We actually met with his younger cousin. He has quite a beautiful girl." Collin said.

"But if you're not sure if you can handle the whole thing at once, we can take few breaks. It has to be a lot to take in." Addie smiled as kindly as he could at his parents. It wasn't much, but still better than nothing.

"Maybe few minutes to go through everything on or own first would be nice." The mother said as she was looking at her husband, who didn't seem to be taking it well at all.

Addie nodded. "Of course. We'll be right there." He pointed to his bed in his room. "Call for us, when you need anything." He walked to the bed with his wife right by him. He sat down and leaned against a wall. Collin sat on top of him and leaned against him with her head on his shoulder. "Seems to be going better than expected." He smiled. "Maybe they have some love in their hearts."

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