30. 🏳️‍🌈 First beard

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Hey folks another chapter to the trans stories (sorry, but I like it), I hope you'll like it :)


I woke up like any other morning and turned on my other side to hug my boyfriend, but the bed was empty. For a second, I froze there. Usually I am the one who wakes up first. I stood up from the bed, hoping that he didn't leave me - my biggest fear.

You may ask, why would he leave me? Well I always have a feeling that I'm not man enough to be with him. I mean, he always tells me that I am enough, but I've lived with that feeling since I was like 13, maybe younger. We'll get to details little bit later.

I walked out of the room and went to check our bathroom, but he wasn't there. My heart started beating little faster because I got more scared that he actually left. I really liked him and the thought of him leaving me was something I feared more than anything.

Then I felt hands wrap around me and my heart nearly jumped out of my chest along with me jumping in my partner's arms. "Good morning, handsome." He kissed my cheek.

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder behind me. "You scared me to hell and back." I chuckled.

"Sorry, you slept little too long even tho I was staring at you for quite a while." He chuckled and rested his head against mine. "Do you want something to eat?"

"I smell something sweet, so yes I do. Even though you're sweet too, this time I'm referring to food." I chuckled and pulled away from him. I stared at him for a moment. "You knew I would get scared, so you made me a morning pudding, didn't you?" I smiled.

He smiled and pulled me back to him. "Of course I did. I knew I would have to make it up to you." He started swinging very slowly. "I know that it won't really help with that fear of yours, but I'm still going to say it." He turned me around. "You are much more than just enough. You are everything I ever wanted and I will never leave you." He kissed me putting all his love into the simple and gentle kiss.

I smiled at him once we let go. "I love you so so much." I whispered looking straight into his eyes.

He pulled me as close as he possibly could and whispered. "I love you too. My cute little man." He poked my sides s bit. "Come on, the pudding is almost cold." He pulled me to the kitchen, right to my breakfast.

He sat down next to me and stared at me the entire time I ate and washed the dishes, until I sat back down in front of him kissed his nose. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're little creep." I giggled.

He stared at me little longer. "I can't really help it." He smiled and caressed my jaw. "I can't wait for the beard." He smiled. "And until it's there, I can pretend that you shaved it before I woke up." He chuckled and pinched my cheek.

"From certain perspective I want it more than you. But let me explain. It's because I wanted beard since I was like 15 or 16. But I didn't know who to want as my perfect partner. I didn't know who I wanted, until I got you." I leaned closer and kissed him. "I know I'm cheesy, I can't help it." I chuckled.

He leaned his forehead against mine. "I love it when you're cheesy." He stared at me for a moment. "I love you."

I closed my eyes and let the smile on my face. "I love you too." I whispered and wrapped my arms around his torso. I moved my head to his shoulder and pulled us close.

"You know what's funny? That you're 3 years older than me, but you look like you're actually 5 years younger." He laughed. "My classmate asked me if you're at least old enough to date, because you look like a kid." He laughed more.

I slapped his chest. "It's not my fault. I'll look older when I'll have my beard." I laughed too.

"Yeah well until then my classmates will thing that I'm into little kids." He chuckled and poked my sides.

I sighed. "I'm sorry."

He snorted. "If you say sorry one more time. I'm going to jump out of my skin. It's not your fault, okay?" He picked me up and sat me on the counter looking into my eyes. "You're not to blame for this. It's not your fault that you got to have this body. Mind over matter when it comes to people. You told me that when you came out to me." He kissed my forehead.

My eyes filled with tears. "What would I do without you?"

"You'd be the cutest 26 years old man looking like 14 year old." He chuckled. "Come on, your morning series are about to start and your morning routine hasn't been done yet." He stepped away letting me jump off the counter. I went to the bathroom and he went to the living room making sure I don't miss anything.

I did my morning routine and ran back to him. We spent the next 2 hours cuddled together watching 2 episodes of a documentary series. I nearly fell asleep, but the men in there were little too cute for me to ignore them, but still nowhere near my boyfriend.

Later that day one of his classmates came because of something school related. It was one of the few that I saw few times but we never really talked. While they worked on their project thingy, I was cooking in the kitchen. I was finishing up, when they came to the kitchen. "Are you guys done?" I asked not, really looking at them being too busy staring at the soup, because I didn't want it to get burnt.

"Yeah just finished." My boyfriend said and came to give me a kiss on a cheek.

I quickly looked back if the classmate was there or not and he was standing in the doorway. "Do you want to stay for lunch? There's enough for all three of us." I offered.

He shook his head. "I don't want to bother you two." He smiled.

I got the soup off the heated stove. "It would be my pleasure to get to know you." I smiled back at him. "Come on, give this young man a plate." I said cheerfully.

The classmate looked at my boyfriend with a bit more opened eyes and then at me. "Young man? Nobody besides old ladies calls me young man." He chuckled. "I haven't heard anyone calling 23 year old 'young'." He scratched back of his neck with a chuckle.

"Yeah, well I know you're younger than me." I said as I got the soup on the table. I looked up at him. "What? Are you going to say that I look like a 14 year old? You wouldn't be the first one." I laughed.

He shrugged. "Yeah well you do look like a boy few years younger than me. But I believe you, I have a friend that has this problem too." He smiled.

I looked at my boyfriend and then back at him. "I'm sure that I would meet you earlier then. I'm friend with all people like me in the radius about 50 kilometers and we meet as often as we can." I chuckled, but didn't mind it.

"Yeah, he's... how to put it... fresh." He chuckled. "Or rather new to this. But he did hear about you. Maybe next time I can bring me and you two can talk." He smiled and looked at us.

I shrugged. "I don't mind. It's always pleasure to meet people with similar experience and I can always appreciate having a friend." I smiled and we started eating...

The next day me and my boyfriend celebrated first beard signs on my chin and then little less than a week later, the classmate came again and this time came with the friend. We talked about the beard, how we realized that we weren't as "normal" as everyone thought.

It was really nice meeting the classmate and the "consequences" that came afterwards.


I hope you enjoyed it. If you did please let me know in the comments or by voting :)
Bye loves.
- Alex Cuddie Light
15.03. 2021 11:35am

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