7. 🔀 Old/New family

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Characters: Lori Sophia Marshall, Martin Jossi, Coby Marshall, Helen (no last name, she's less important)


Should I let him know?

Tweet by @martin_the_ghost: I'm gonna be dad 🎉

I probably should.

Retweet: U already r, @martin_the_ghost

I didn't even have to wait that long.

From: What r u talking about?

To: Martin, I already have ur son. Don't u remember me? I'm ur Sophie

From: Impossible. Sophia h8s me. Plus I never did anything like that with her

To: U were drunken, Martin. Do u rlly think I would leave love of my life, if I would have nothing to hide? U didn't want to be dad and I didn't want to upset u. If u want to meet us, let me know. Coby rlly wants to know his dad

From: I can't have son with Sophia, so u ain't her and I am not going to believe u

To: (pic of us)
Do u believe me now?

From: No! Whoever u r, stop using Sophia against me. I have Helen and I don't give a damn shit about u

To: That's how u talk to ur family? I'm sorry for Helen, rn. Hope you treat her better than us

I threw my phone across the room. "Are you okay, mom?" Coby ran to me.

"Yes. I'm just pissed at your father for being a jerk. He doesn't seem to care about us."

"What did he do, mom?" little Martin's clone looked at me.

"I told him, he has son - you and he kept denying it. We used to be in love and now look, he doesn't want his own son," tear rolled out of my eye. "I'm so sorry. I know you want to meet him, but he doesn't want to meet us," I hugged my son tightly.

"It's okay, mom. We will do better without him, if he doesn't want us," he kissed my cheek, just like his father used to and ran to his room.

Two days later

I woke up, when Coby shook my shoulder. "Mom, I didn't open the door, but there's some man, knocking on them for few minutes now."

"Okay, little boy," I rubbed my eyes and stood up, slowly made my way to door. "What can I do for you, father?" I looked at with anger in eyes and voice.

"Are you okay, Sophia?" I rolled my eyes and tried to close my door, but as typical... he didn't let me. "Did I do anything to you?"

"No, now go back to your Helen," I raised my voice a little.

"Is everything okay, mom?" Coby grabbed my hand.

"Mom?" Martin looked me. I sighed, knowing this is not going good way.

"Martin, meet your son," I got Coby in front of me with both arms around him. Martin's eyes widen as he looked between me and my son. "Coby, this your dad," I could hear our son scoff. "Coby."

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