16.2 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Screaming

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Kirstie sat by his bed during every single second they let her. She missed him. Her fiance wasn't exactly happy that he saw her less than usual, but he understood.

Scott didn't come. Not even once. He didn't want to see how much he failed his friends. He couldn't look at it. He knew he wouldn't be able to look at the lying body without remembering how slow he was.

Kirstie knew that she wasn't really the one who should be blamed, but she couldn't help it. She still felt responsible. Something told her that she could have done more. She didn't blame Scott, because she knew he couldn't do anything faster or smarter. He did everything the same way she would.

For some reason, she couldn't help it. She felt like the kiss, he wanted, would save him. Or at least stop this from happening for some time.

She wasn't even sure if he was going to wake up. And if he wakes up, will he remember?

The door opened and the nurse peeked in. "Miss Maldonado?" He gently called. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's time."

Kirstie got up. "It's been a little over a month since that day. But I see it just as clearly as I saw it back then. I broke the last standing piece of him and he did what he wanted - let go of the pain and move to a better place." She stroked his cheek a few times. It was covered with his beard. "I know that this may be selfish, but if I didn't want to hear his voice and see his smile, I would let you let him die back then." She looked at the nurse.

"He meant a lot to you, didn't he?" The nurse asked with a sad smile.

Kirstie chuckled. "He stood by me even when I tried to push him away after our break-up. He wanted to be sure that I wouldn't do something as stupid as this. And look where it got us." She kissed his forehead. "I miss you, Mitchie-poo." She left the hospital. She knew the rules.

She came home half an hour later. Her fiance was waiting for her by their door with a mug of fresh coffee. "Hey there. How is he? Any changes?"

"Nothing that I know of. Can I be honest with you about something?" She asked him as she got out of her shoes. He nodded and helped her to their living room. "I wish I kissed him back then. Maybe he wouldn't do it."

"I get it, but you can't be so sure. What if it would only speed up the process? Or he would hurt you too?" He asked and pulled her for a hug.

"One, he would never hurt me. He had nightmares about me getting killed because of him. He wouldn't be able to do it. Two I've been thinking exactly the opposite - maybe it would give us some more time." She nuzzled to his side and closed her eyes. "I miss him more than I ever thought possible."

"Honey, he's going to be okay."

She sat up. "You don't know that. What if they will call me to tell me that he died?" Her phone started ringing and it showed the hospital number. She immediately went white. "I jinxed it, didn't I?"

"Do you want me to take it for you?" He asked with his hand gently on her shoulder.

She shook her head and accepted the call. "Hello?"

"Oh hello, is this Miss Maldonado?" It was the nurse from earlier. But what surprised Kirstie was the fact that he didn't have the typical sad voice.

"Yes. Is everything okay? Is he okay?" Kirstie asked. She was scared of the answer, but at the same time, she felt the need to know.

Nurse chuckled. "As if I heard him when he woke up. The first question was "Is Kirstie okay?" and then came questions like "What happened?" "Am I in hospital?". All he wants is to see you and some Scott and we can't get him to wait." The nurse sounded so happy. And he was - he woke up and he was like a kid on speed drug or something. He felt more than okay.

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