37. 🔀 Result to an accident in the kitchen

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Hey guys, new chapter is here and I really hope you'll enjoy it. If you do, you know what to do :)


I was in the kitchen, while my girlfriend was playing games with her friends again. In a way I don't mind - it's her job and it makes her happy. But then there's the fact that I can't even say anything to her while she's playing.

I was cleaning the dishes after lunch. I was putting away the last things - my plate, fork and two knives. I got a bit dizzy and one of the knives fell out of my hand. I have no idea how I managed to do that, but the knife cut my leg. No, not a tiny scratch. It was quite big and it was bleeding a lot.

I knew that if I asked my girlfriend, she would just yell at me for annoying her when she has work, but I still gave it a try. "Hey, I don't want to interrupt or anything, but I need your help." I came to her with a bit of shaking voice. She scares the hell out of me when she's yelling.

"Give a moment guys." She says and pauses the game. "Do I look like a maid to you? You're a grown man, you can take care of yourself." She says. Her voice isn't that high yet, but then she noticed my leg. "Are you really bleeding all over the white carpet? Go do something about it!"

I gulped. "I think I need to go to the hospital it hurts to walk." I whimpered.

She stood up and walked over to me. My eyes immediately went down. "You're a grown man. How can you not be able to walk with a scratch on your leg. Shake it off and then clean the freaking mess you've made."

"It's not stopping. I don't know how to stop it, it's little too deep." I whimpered. "Can I at least take the car and go to the hospital?"

She huffed. "And bleed all over the car too? No, if you want to go to a stupid doctor you will have to walk there." She pushed me a bit and since I was basically standing on one leg, I fell down. She puffed and went back to her game.

I tried to stand up, but it hurt little bit more than I could handle. Eventually I managed to get a dishcloth around it and stand up. I tried hopping on my healthy leg, but I barely got anywhere and I was tired already. After that I kept limping. We didn't live that far from hospital so I thought I could make it there, but halfway through I was too tired.

I sat down and tried to breathe to get some of my strength back. I noticed that the cloth was completely soaked and the blood was still going.

Then a car stopped by me and my best friend jumped out. "What are you doing here? Is that blood?" She started freaking out. She pulled me to her car. She sat back behind the wheel and started moving again. "What happened? Why were you walking when you're clearly injured?"

"Lily doesn't have time and she didn't want me to get my blood all over the car." I whispered. I squeezed myself into a tight ball, well not that tight considering the hurting leg, but you get it.

"I thought you said she's amazing." My best friend peeked at me quickly, trying to keep her sight on the road.

I nodded. "She is. She's just busy around this time of the day. Plus the car was quite expensive." I whispered.

"You're expensive. Does she seriously not care about you that much?" She asked and stopped by the hospital. She got out and walked around the car to help me out. She walked me into the building and went to ask for a doctor, while I felt like I'm about to pass out.

It wasn't that long until a doctor was cleaning the wound and I was biting my inner cheek. It hurt a lot, but it was understandable. "What were you doing when this happened?" The doctor asked and looked at the clean wound. "Okay, this will need few stitches." He sighed and went to get all that he needed.

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