8. 🎹 Cheater/Secret

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Characters: Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, Scott Richard Hoying, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Kevin Oluwole Olusola, Avriel Benjamin Kaplan, Esther Koop

Kirstie has secret, that nobody else knows except Esther. Want to know that secret too? Well here it is: she's dating both Mitch and Scott at the same time. She love them both to death, but things are about to get complicated:


"Esthie, I have some good news," my baby brother came up to me. "Mitch is going to propose tomorrow evening. Can you believe it? Our little lovebirds," he looked so happy.

"I can't wait for her tell us the news," I smiled, knowing, how much she loves him.

"Esther, I got amazing news," Kevin peeked in with smile on his face. Please don't say, Scott is going to propose. "Scott's planning to propose tomorrow evening."

"Who's he going to propose to?" Avi looked at Kevin fully surprised. "I didn't know, he was dating anyone."

"Scott and Kirstie are dating for two years already, didn't you know?"

"Kirstie is dating Mitch for two years, what are you talking about?" they looked at me with surprise all over their faces.

"Why are you two looking at me?" I got my hands up.

"You two are always best friends and tell each other everything. So who is she really dating?"

I sighed. "Both of them. Mitch asked sooner, but she knew, Scott liked her too. She tried to hide it, because she didn't want to hurt any of them. Go and stop both of the proposals or something, I'm going to talk some sense to her," I left my office and went to her house.

"Hey Esthie, what are you doing here?" Kirstie opened door to me.

"You need to break up with one of them. What if they both want to marry you?"

"I can't, I don't want to hurt them," she said and sat down on her couch.

"You have to. Kevin and Avi came to me today, saying both of them decided to give you that question. You have to decide and it has to be today. One of them has to get that scar," she looked at me with that look of not knowing. "I can't do it for you."

"You don't get it, Esther. I love them both. I can't choose only one."

"I highly doubt, they will be happy about you even dating someone else. You have to tell them both."

"I will end up being cheater and alone. I don't want to lose them. I know, Mitch was faster, but they both complete the relationships," she got her face in her hands.

"So I'm not enough for you?" higher voice made us look into doorway. "You dated me and my best friend at the same time, not bothering to tell me?"

"Mitch let her explain," I tried, but he left with tears falling down from his eyes.


I went to Scott. I wanted to tell him, to take a good care of her. I won't let the truth out, I'm not the one to tell him. I knocked on his door.

"Coming!" his voice rang through my ears. "Hey, what's up?"

"I heard, you're going to propose to Kirstie, so I came to say, take really good care of her, or I will become the worst nightmare in history. And next time don't hide things like this from me," I wiped my tears away. "If she won't say yes, then she is dumb," I smiled at him.

"Why are you crying? Did something happen, that I don't know about?" he pulled me in his arms and squeezed me. "I never liked to see you sad."

"I'll be fine... one day, hopefully. Just take a good care of her," I pushed myself away from him and went to find myself place, where I'd be alone.

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