39. 🏳️‍🌈 A Bus Ride

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It all started about half a year ago. I was on my way from dorm to the place I am supposed to call home. I was sitting on a bus next to a boy around my age. I didn't know exactly, but I guessed about a year difference. Since I'm little less privileged, I didn't have the possibility to go over my own instagram feed, because I didn't have data for it. So like a very smart person, I stared at his phone in hopes that we have something in common.

At first I was like "well look at that, he follows few of the same LGBTQ accounts as I do, it's possible he is an ally or something" and then I noticed that his profile picture is him with pride flag behind him.

He must've noticed me the first time around the same time I noticed his profile picture, because he chuckled lightly. I turned away trying to pretend like I'm not looking. My cheeks were bright red and I was trying to hide my smile.

I was blushing like an idiot. He seemed way too gorgeous to still be single, so it felt a bit weird that he caught me spying. Plus who wouldn't feel embarrassed if someone else found them checking that someone's phone? Single or not.

After that I tried not to look there again, but I failed. This time, when he noticed me and tilted his phone. He accidentally showed me his username and I realized that I had been following that and the other account he had in his bio. That made me blush even more. I felt even more embarrassed because it wasn't enough that I was stalking him on the app, I was very obviously doing it in real life.

Eventually he went back to his phone. I thought I'd be able to keep myself under control, but in the end I looked at his phone again. This time he was looking out of the window and some other app was on. After looking specifically at the screen, I realized it was notes app.

You're cute when you're trying to hide that you were looking on my phone, only to blush when you realize that I caught you looking.

My eyes widened a bit and I hid my face in my hands. It was very nice compliment, but I still felt very embarrassed. He knew I'd look again, so he decided to tell me something. I was so embarrassed I almost didn't look at him when he chuckled. By the time I did, he laid his phone on my thigh.

Do you maybe want to go for a drink sometime? Any kind you say at any time you say. Or maybe food, if you like that more, not that it would be visible.

My face went into full red mode and I basically had nowhere to hide. But he seemed really nice. I looked at him again. He took his phone and wrote something new. I was scared of what he was going to write there.

You are a boy, right? I mean you look like a cute gay boy to me.

He gave me the phone right in my hand. I gulped when I read it. I had a secret that only people closest to me knew.

There's little bit more to it. But the idea does sound nice.

He gave me a look and then leaned closer. I didn't know what to expect, but there wasn't much space for me to pull away. "The only 2 reasons why you would say something like that, which comes to my head, are that you are either neither gay nor straight or the one I feel like would be more likely based on the question and answer - you're trans. I'm fine with either of those." He leaned back to his spot.

I looked at him with horror in my eyes. "How the heck? Are you some kind of Einstein or something?" I whisper-yelled at him.

He suppressed a laugh. "No, but your answer was so cryptic with the way it said 'yes' and 'not exactly'." I sighed and looked away. "Oh come on, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. You just didn't have the same luck as many others." He smiled.

"Yeah, say that to the world which would never believe me anything I say." I looked down.

He got his hand on my shoulder. "I believe you and every other person who says how things really are. I experience something similar, but at the same time so different every single day. I live with family which is unwilling to accept people like me for who we really are without even bothering to learn about any part of it." I looked at him. He gave me a weak smile. "But not everyone is your enemy, you know."

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