44. 🏳️‍🌈 Sad news, happy ending

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Hey guys, new chapter is here and I really hope you'll enjoy it. If you do, you know what to do :)


We were sitting in the local café, thinking about what could make the place look better and send a good message to the world. Group of 5 - owner + 4 folks who came up with the idea of renewing the place.

After long time and barely any theories, there came one that I really liked. We were going to paint it as rainbow and on each color we write one letters (and sign) of LGBTQ+ (red - L, orange - G, yellow - B, green - T, blue - Q, purple - +).

I looked at them. "Give me all the things I need and less few days. I can paint it quickly and then there's the fashion part is left for you." They nodded, knowing that I can do it the fastest out of them all. I had genetic advantage - I could move very quickly, almost like Flash in DC universe or Quick Silver in Marvel universe.

"Okay, I'll get the colors." Josh raised his hand.

"I'll make the letters. Get white color as well, white letters on colorful wall will stand out nicely." Jennifer beamed as she looked around. "Will we put them on not both sides?" She looked at us.

"No, I was thinking that we could leave slight part on that wall as just like white or gray for those who will get all grumpy like LGBTQ+ phobes do." I laughed at the image of few of my neighbors frowning in the gray area.

They nodded. "I will make a plan so you know where to start and where to stop with each of the colors." Bennie said. Then we all looked at the owner. She nodded eagerly - she liked it. "Okay, you go rest and get ready for everything, you go get the colors and you get to your machine. I'm going to start planning." He said cheerfully.

We all got to the plan, even tho me and the owner didn't have much to do, so we did what any cute couple would do - we rested on my bed cuddled for as long as we could.

After little less than a week, the cafe was ready to re-open. The last thing we needed to do was make a little ceremony-ish thingy and we were planning on doing so, but there weren't enough of us - 6 signs, 4 of us. The owner is straight, so all she could do was just stare at her beautiful boyfriend - me.

We were in one abandoned building. It was small house where barely anyone comes. "So I was thinking that I could call 2 of my other friends. If I do, we can all stand as one letter. Jennifer can be L, Josh of course is G, Bennie can stand under B and my brave ass can and would stand under T, one of my friends under Q and the other under the +." I suggested. They nodded. "Now I better go get them." As I turned around I saw them. "What a beautiful coincidence?" I jumped up from my chair and hugged them. "What brings you here?" I asked with a giant smile on my face.

They looked at each other sadly. "It's about your mom." I felt all the happiness getting sucked out of me and worries getting written all over my face. "She talked to us yesterday, how she wanted to come visit today, but when we came to get her, she..." They stayed silent.

Tears got into my eyes. "She what?" My voice trembled. "Where's my mom?" My eyes were shifting from one to the other and back.

Then Boris sighed and just hugged me. "She died. We tried everything, but it was too late." He said. My legs got all wobbly and I went down to the ground, hug or not. I curled into a tight ball and cried. They knelt down next to me. They knew no words could make it better. "I'm going to get his girl, wait here with him." He said and sped away (yes he's speedster too).

After few moments they were back. She needed a second to breathe through the quick moving, but she got to me quickly after that. She pulled me to her lap and slowly rocked us. I just cried. I lost the last living member of my family. She was the first one I came out to and she helped me with my transition. "She's forever going to be by your side as she'll watch after you from the better place." My fiance said and kissed my head.

I silently screamed in pain and tugged on her shirt. "Why her? Out of all people, why her?" I whispered. She pulled me into a tighter hug and let me cry, because she knew how much my mother meant to me.

I noticed my friends (all of them) getting to know each other and then learning to horrible news. "He needs time alone. I know usually people need to be with as many people as possible, but he only needs her." Jennifer said quietly maybe she thought I wouldn't hear her or something.

"Shhh," I heard gentle voice of the alive person I loved the most. "She's in better place, meeting with people she missed and telling them how proud she is of her son." I didn't know whether to cry even more or smile over how nicely it sounded. "I know it hurts and it will hurt for very long time, but one day in far future you'll see her again, until then I will be here for you and I hope you'll be here for me too." She said and wiped my tear stained cheek.

"Why her and why now?" I looked at her with my glass-like eyes.

She smiled at me. "Because the other world didn't want you to get even closer to her today, because it would hurt even more if she died tomorrow." She said wisely.

I smiled at her sadly and let few other tears out my eyes. "You know, you remind me of her. Both of you are- were- whatever you are beautiful inside out and you're both very smart." I sighed and my eyes were mixture of happiness and sadness. I didn't know how to feel after her words (and mine didn't help much either).

I wanted to say something when I heard whispering "awww" from the other room. "How does he do it?" Boris peeked at me. "He heard us." He whispered, probably originally thinking I didn't hear him.

She pulled me up. "Come on, time to go home. I'll make you a hot cocoa, favorite biscuits and you'll take a hot bath to relax your body. Then we'll talk about anything you want to talk about, whether it's embarrassing childhood stories, or cute childhood stories or anything else."

I smiled as I got amazing idea. It wasn't huge smile like usually but it was a smile. "Can I ask for a huge favor?" I wasn't sure whether she would be willing to do it, but I wanted to give it a shot.

She smiled at me a bit and pinched my cheek. "Anything you want." She took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

I sighed. "I know you worked hard on the café and it's named after you and it's yours, but I was thinking that maybe we could put her name there too." On one side, I liked the idea, but on the other I felt like it was too much to ask for.

She smiled at me. "I think it's amazing idea. My last name and her last name will match soon anyway." She gave me a kiss. "So we can put her first name and my last name up there." She took my hand and pulled me to go. "Now come on, time to go home and regain all your strengths." And we went home.

The next day we put up the new name and went to get it renamed in the papers. Two days later we reopened and eventually the tables were all included in the rainbow part... all but one, that was for one of my highschool bullies. We all knew she wasn't as straight and cis as she said, but that only made it funnier when she got married to a girl after another 3 years of glaring at everyone, who sat within the rainbow part.

So you could say that my mom's death still gave us a lot of good. We still miss her and wish she could be at the wedding, but we celebrate her life every day by remembering some of the things she did. She was a woman that did a lot of good in her life, whether it was intentional or not.


I hope you liked it :)
And if you did, please let me know in the comments or by give it a vote. Whether you or not, even the view is very much appreciated <3

Bye loves.
- Alex Cuddie Light
10.04. 2021 6:44pm

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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