17. 🔀 Old friend found again

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Characters: Mandy Wolf, Emily Tomb, Greg Jolt, Marc Elly


"Emily, are you sure, you want to do this for me? You never liked this."

"Maybe I'm not doing it without bigger purpose," she smirked at me.

"What do you mean? Emily, you're taking me to strip club."

"I know, it's your birthday, so I decided to give you a little present. Believe me, you're going to be surprised," she opened the door, pulling me inside.

"Emily, what's going on? Why would you have any present for me in strip club?" I was scared, because we were going to a lot of places, but never this.

"Because he doesn't know, that he's present and he works here. All he knows is, that you're birthday girl and you two are going to have so much fun," she smiled innocently and pointed at boy with little frame at the bar, drinking soda.

"What a person would drink soda in club?"

"Person, who's going to be on stage soon. Then, when he gets down, your fun will begin," Emily pushed me to the bar, ordering few shots of whatever her eyes landed on.

"You want me to do something with stripper? You want me to do something with stranger?"

"Who said, we're strangers?" he came up to me.

"Do I know you?" I looked at him. "You don't look familiar."

"Would shirt and glasses help?" I furrowed my eyebrows, looking at Emily for some more information. "Oh Mandy, it has been long time, I get it, but forgetting me hurts," he went back to bar, ordering himself shot of vodka.

"Why should shirt and glasses help me? My friends never wore glasses and shirts are more than common."

"What about going further into the past. What about high school?" he looked my way again, taking his shot.

"I moved across the country and you want me to bring up my classmates?"

"Kind of. We weren't classmates from the beginning," he ordered another shot. He drank it and stood up.

"Marc would never become stripper. He always had amazing voice and big possibility of becoming one of the best singers ever," he stopped and laughed.

"Thank you, but I never got to go to any singing competition, so chance for me to get some producer is so small, that you can say, there isn't any," he came closer. "I tried to do something with my so called talent, but I never got anywhere."

"Why didn't you contact me?" I looked deep into his eyes.

"As you said, you moved across the country, I didn't know where. I was homeless for so long, now I can at least afford little flat. Okay, I'm up," he left me there, standing and looking at the stage.

"Did you two have a good talk?" someone sat next to me. "That is my best friend and he didn't look that happy."

"What do you want? If you want me to go, then I'll go. It sucks here and I can't look at him like that. He used to be such an angel," I looked at the person next to me.

"He's still that angel. He's just hurt, knowing that the one he loves, will never love him back. That pour boy can't move on from his crush from high school," mysterious somebody chuckled. "Happy birthday, Mandy."

"How? Who are you?" so many people, that I can't recall, are here.

"I'm Greg and I would be ashamed of myself, if I'd forget my best friend's birthday," I laid my head on bar.

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