28. 🏳️‍🌈 Halo and Scar

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Hey there folks,

new chapter is here I hope you will like it and this one time, I'm begging you for a comment with your opinion about anything in this chapter, even if it's that you think it's cheesy or something. This one time I want someone to comment down bellow what they think, because this chapter is more important to me than any other.

Enjoy :)


Ash's POV

I've always hated my body - that's what happens when you're trans and you're born with damaged face. In case you're asking how damaged - I was born with broken jaw that never healed properly and by accident I got cut on side of my face.

My parents didn't want to change anything, because they believed that it was meant to be and that it's good that I'm different, as if the fact that I'm trans isn't enough. Well everything started moving, when I found a local doctor, who lived few minutes away from me, but my life can't be easy, so things had to move south at some point again...

It was the last weekend before the last surgery - the bottom one. He dealt with my jaw pretty much right away, so all that was left was top and bottom, because there was nothing he could do about the scar on side of my face.

I was at his apartment/lab with my things that I was taking to my dorm. And as if dorm life where I'm still taken as girl wouldn't be enough, I'm getting new roommate this week.

"So we're settled, you come here on Saturday and I will do the surgery. Week after that there's going to be a check up, if everything is okay and if it is we're going to be meeting only to talk about life." He smiled at me. I could see it, because there was enough light in the room, but in the next one there was barely any.

I nodded. "Sounds like a good plan." I smiled. I took out my phone and looked at the time. "Oh shoot, I'm going to miss my bus." I squeaked when I saw that I had little less than 15 minutes to get to the bus stop.

He chuckled. "Come here, wash your hands and take your bags. But don't run, no running this week, okay? It wouldn't do us much good right now if you did something to yourself." I nodded and we moved to the nearly dark room. There was a mirror and a sink.

By accident he turned on the lights and I saw the scar. I glared him. "Don't do it again, you know how much I hate the face." I grunted. He turned off the lights and got his hands up in defense. "Sorry, it's just the face."

"I know, it's okay. I'm sorry too, I should be more careful too." He smiled at me. I started taking my things, when I heard a movement in another part of the apartment. "Seems like another patient woke up." He chuckled.

I took the rest of my things and walked out the door. "Goodbye and stay safe, doctor."

He waved at me from the door. "You too, my friend, you too." He smiled at me one last time. I waved back at him and left.

I rushed to the bus stop, without running like he said. When I got there it seemed like no bus was coming and I didn't see my girl friends that I was supposed to leave with. I sat down by a restaurant that was near the bus stop and put my head in my hands. I sighed and shook my head.

I sat there for a minute or two, when someone came up to me. "Hey, are you okay?"

I looked up, for a second forgetting about the scar. It was 3 folks around my age - one boy and two girls. Their eyes widened when they saw my face. "I'll live, I just probably missed my bus." I chuckled.

One of the girls was beautiful. I saw many girls in my life, but that one made me feel like s monster because of my face. I felt like I was looking at the most gorgeous angel I have ever seen.

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