10.2 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Miracle?

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"So?" I didn't get, why he called me nor why did he say daddy.

"Awe you mad at me? I didn't want to make you angwy, I'm showy, daddy," the sadness in his voice didn't sound like he played it. "My head huwts," I heard sniffing and I shot up and jumped in the car.

"I'll be there soon, little bit," I started the car and sped home. When I got there, Scotty was sniffing on the couch and blood was running down his face. "Little bit?" he looked at me and jumped up.

"Daddy!" he screamed and ran up to me. "Awe you stiw mad a'me?" he asked innocently.

"Depends. What happened to your head?" he shrugged. "I had really bad argument with Kirstie because of what you did and now you're hurt. What did you do?" I was getting little angry.

"I pvayed on sofa and I few off of it. It huwts," few tears made their way up.

"Come on, we'll go to doctor, I wouldn't want to lose you," I kissed his head. "Just like I didn't want to lose Kirstie"

"Awe you okay?" he wasn't acting, he really was little . We got in the car and I drove away from the driveway.

"I'm everything, but not okay. I hurt her and I lied to her," I sighed. "I lied to everyone. Now I don't know, what to do. I messed up do bad."

"You vied to me?" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"I thought I wasn't lying, but she showed me I was. She proved me wrong and now I'm liar. Oh god, I thought I moved on long time ago, but she showed me that I didn't," I stopped at the crossway and laid my head on the wheel. "This was the only lie I told and I thought, I was right," I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"It wiw be okay," he laid his bleeding head on my black jeans. I smiled sadly at him and then looked up at the yellow sign that almost immediately changed to green. I stepped on the gas pedal and continued our way to the hospital.

"Okay, now promise me, that you won't make any scenes," he nodded.

"Yesh, Daddy. Wiw auntie Kiwshtie come?" he looked at me.

"I don't think so, baby. If you want, you can call her, but I'm not sure, she will be happy to see me anytime soon," he happily took out his phone and dialed Kirstie's number.

"What is it, Scott? I'm really not in the mood for any weird talking or Mitch," I sighed.

"Auntie Kiwshtie, can you pveashe come to hoshpitav?" that kid accent was so cute.

"Why are you talking so weird?" I motioned for him to give me the phone.

"Hey Kirstie, just for the quick explaining - he hit his head. His head is bleeding and he's little. He really wants to see his aunt Kirstie, so please just come to the hospital. I just hope he'll be okay. And I'm so sorry for lying," I heard the line being stopped and I gave him his phone. "From now, you won't move away from me. If I stay somewhere, you will be standing next to me and nowhere else. If I send you to Kirstie or someone, I will instruct them about this too."

"Okay, Dad," he nodded. "Awe you angwy?"

"No, little bit. I'm scared, because you got hurt and my best friend hates me. I would never be mad at you, don't worry," I petted his head and stopped the car few cross-ways away from the hospital. "Just stay awake, okay?" I looked at him quickly, seeing him move his head up and down. Car started moving again and soon we finally got in front of the hospital. I parked the car as near as I could and we walked to the reception. "Hello, my friend here hurt his head and it might have caused little mental problem."

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