6. 🎹 Always

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Characters: Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, Scott Richard Hoying, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Kevin Oluwole Olusola, Avriel Benjamin Kaplan


Mitch was on the stage. Their concerts as always went well, but there was one thing. Each time, when it came to Kirstie going closer to anybody, he felt so jealous. He didn't know, what to do. He couldn't just come to her in middle of the tour and tell her to stop dancing near others. Or why he wants that. So he decided to wait, but just till the end of the last show.

"Kirstie? Would you mind, if we talk, before you change? It will be quick, I swear," he came up to her. By the time he figured out, why he was always feeling like that.

"Sure. I can handle this little longer," she said, feeling a bit uncomfortable in her clothes.

"If you aren't okay, just tell me. I can wait. It's not like world is going to tear apart," she nodded.

"Okay, just five minutes, then I'll be here. Thank you, Mitchie," she kissed his cheek and ran to her room. He felt all that stress from all those years back again. That feeling, when you're scared you're going to fuck up everything good that ever happened in your life. But he had to hold it under control.

"Why are you standing here so alone?" Scott asked, as he went by to his dressing room.

"I'm just waiting for Kirstie, we have something to talk about. Don't worry, it's okay," they smiled at each other and Scott left. Mitch went to sit down and waited for few more minutes.

Then she came and for him she looked amazing. "Hey, I'm here. What can I help you with?"

"I think, I like one girl. I feel jealous each time, I see her around some other guys. What am I supposed to do? For whole world I am gay. Hell, even I thought so," his head rested in his hands. It was little too much for him.

"Why don't you tell her? Wouldn't it make more sense than just staying in the shadow and hurt yourself like that?" her hand rested on his cheek and it let every single part of him stress even more.

"Her life would get changed the way, she probably wouldn't like. Who would want to know, that I have crush on her? You know, I would rather hurt myself than her," he felt tears going down his face. He didn't care, if she would see it or not. There's nothing wrong with tears.

"Who wouldn't want you to have crush on them? You're Mitch Grassi, everyone would be thrilled that the queen herself feels anything towards them," she smiled. Matt & Kevin went by them, looking weirdly at them. "Even I would be happy, if you'd say, that you love me again," his head shot up and his surprise was so readable to her.

"W-what? Kirstie, I broke up with you and hurt you. Why would you say something like that?" he didn't believe his own ears. "I lied to you about two most important things in my life. That's something, you can't forgive."

Should I tell him? What if I'm wrong and he doesn't feel like that about me? "I can and I always will," she couldn't believe, what she was about to say. "Mitch, why would I ever not forgive you? You were by my side since I can remember. You stood with me no matter what happened between us or how much I could hurt you. Usually others do this unless they love the other person endlessly. I want you to stay here, by my side, until you will get so sick of that you would want to commit suicide."

"With you near... I will never want anything like that, because I do love you endlessly," he whispered, looking down at his toes. "I always have and always will," he spoke barely audibly for her. She wrapped her arms around his small body, bringing him closer hugging him as close as she could.

"I love you too," she whispered, changing everything in his world. He looked up at her, shock playing in his face. He wrapped his arms around her too, nuzzling his face to her neck. They teared apart, when sound of mobile taking picture.

"I'm sorry, but you're too cute for me to not take a picture," Scott said. They blushed and looked down. "Mitch, the reason for me to interrupting this was to tell you that you should go change, so we can say hi to meet and greet fans," Scott said and left.

"Can I come with you?" Kirstie asked, blushing like crazy. He took her hand and they went to his room. When they were in, he hugged her close to him. His face was in her neck and her head was buried in his chest. "You can't even imagine, how long I waited for this day," she mumbled.

"Maybe yes, maybe no, but important is, that the day came and I will never do the same mistake again," he pulled a little away and kissed her. It felt way better than old those years back. This felt better than in any fiction can describe.

Once they needed their breath, they separated their lips, but connected their foreheads. "Thank you for coming back to me," she whispered.

"Always," he caressed her cheek with smile.

"You were supposed to change," she giggled, "but I want to stay in your arms."

"I will change and then I will never let go of you," he said and sat her down on his little chair. He quickly changed and chuckled to himself, when he found her checking him out. "Do I look that good?" he said with laugh.

"Much better," she came up to him and peck his lips. "Come on, it's time to say hi," she pulled him towards their fans. He felt so lucky to have her back again, that he listened to anything, she would say. The meeting went well and guys noticed them.

"So you like guys, huh?" Kevin teased.

"No, I'm deeply in love with this one special girl," he said with dreamy eyes.

"Let me guess - Kirstie?" Matt asked.

"Did someone say my name?" she came without make-up and chuckled, when she noticed Mitch staring at her. "Take a picture, it lasts longer."

He walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "No pictures of you can show how beautiful you are," he whispered, hugging life out of her. "No pictures of you can be compared to you in reality."

"I want to be at your wedding," Matt laughed. They just ignored him, being occupied with one another. Boys laughed and went to celebrate the end of tour. But they didn't care. They had each other again and nothing could make things worse.

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