41.1 🏳️‍🌈 Legend and Myth

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"Maxie, I found you new race," Milo ran into my house.

"If it's nobody again, I'm going to throw you away," I got up from under my machine.

"Lori. You and her." Milo smiled.

"Very funny. She's The Myth. How can I race with something, that doesn't really exist?" I laughed and laid back down under my car.

"She is very real, Max. She's small and beautiful," I laughed so hard.

"Date her," he rolled his eyes. "Show her to me, then I will think about it."

"I don't have her picture and that race is done, you can't say no. I wanted to make sure, it's accepted."

"Milo. You can't do that. I am the racer, not you. I have to decide, who to race. My technique is meet with them and read them, so I know, how to race them," I got out again and looked at him.

"I'm sorry, but I wanted to make sure, she won't disappear. If you beat her, you will become that myth too."

"I don't need to become one. I'm already legend. There are only two racers, that never lose: Lori and Max. Tomorrow, I will have to read her in that split of moment and figure out, which way to beat her. Neither of us can lose, because we're the last ones left unbeaten," I went back under my car and turned few screws.

"Maybe you two will find some alternative."

"I have to win, that's the way, then I can finally get out of this shit. I need that money, so I can get out of their grip, Milo. I want to live normal boring life, like everyone else does. I want to be free again," I finished the car and went into my house.

"I know, what this all means to you. For years all you can do is hope, you won't get caught by cops. I want nothing more for you than to be free again. If you lose, you're going to jail, I know," he followed me and sat down on my couch.

"I want family, dude. I want wife and kids. I want someone to love and that someone to love me too. I get it, I'm getting weak and soft, but that's what I dreamed of my whole life. Little kids running around, laughing and wife next to me, hugging and kissing me from time to time."

"Aww, you grew up so quickly," he laughed at me.

"Don't make fun of me. You know, I get all I want, nothing has ever stopped me from that. Plus I wanted you to be uncle Milo," I chuckled.

"But can you imagine, how long it will take you to find girl? You're cute, but all girls are taken by now," Milo pointed out.

"Who knows, maybe mine is still free." I shook my head. "Okay. Let's discuss some details about my plans that you always make," I sighed and started eating. Halfway through I got caught up. "Wait, did you say I have a meeting?" I raised my hand up in between our faces.

"Yes with The Myth herself. You have three hours to get ready and if I were you, I would be in the bathroom much sooner than since I got here. Look at you, you're dirty and this one time I mean it literally," he sent me away like a little kid.

"You're lucky I don't have any friends," I stood up and left to get cleaned up. It took almost two hours to get car liquids off at least by the visible side. When I got out, my clothes were already on my bed and I rolled my eyes at the sight of quite decent pieces of clothes. "You gotta be kidding me."

"Are you dressed already we should be on our way in few minutes," Milo knocks on my door.

"Where exactly are we going?" I called out.

"Her place," he announced with the voice that indicated that he's annoyed.

"Don't use that tone. If I didn't ask again, I would still be talking to you in the kitchen. What kind of meeting is that anyways? This looks like we're going to go to some very decent party." I said as I walked out. My suit fitted me well, but it wasn't exactly my style.

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