10.3 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Oh dear god

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"What Kirstin won't," I walked to the nearest nurse I found and asked for mashed potatoes. She nodded, saying, that I will have it soon. Then I returned to my bed, feeling even weaker.

"Are you crazy? You just woke up from coma. You can't walk around like that," I waved her off.

"He's hungry and if Kirstin won't bring him food, I will. I took care of him for 2 years, I can continue if it's needed," I closed my eyes and breathed out. Scott climbed back to me and cuddled up to my side. I smiled and stroke his cheek.

"Mitch, can we talk?" my mom asked. "I mean in private."

"Sure. Buddy, you can stay. Your food will be here soon anyways," I said as Scott pushed himself up. He smiled and nuzzled back. "What do you want to talk about?"

"About your life, Mitch. All your life I watched you being deep in love with Kirstie and today you sent her to death and you treat Scott like he's your son. So can you give me some details?"

"Well few years ago I broke up with Kit, because I walked up on her kissing with Scott. I was all sad, depressed and wanted to end everything. One morning, 2.5 years ago I woke up to Scott sobbing next to me. I tried soothing and everything, but nothing, until I gave him warm milk. Everything went amazing, I had somewhat son, but half year ago things went downhill and you know what happened. I told Kirstie, that I never got over her and she's mad at me now," I said and looked at Scott looking up at me. "What's up little boy?"

"I'm jusht happy," he hugged me. I rubbed his back. "Thank you fow being hewe with me aw the time," he said, squeezing me a little.

"Always, little bit," I kissed his head. That nurse came in and gave me my food with smile. "Thank you," I called after her. "Come on, sit up," he sat up and I could see his hunger. "If you will be big boy and eat alone, I will get you something," he nodded and started eating.

"So you're his second father, but in love with Kirstie?" my mother asked.

"You can say it like that. But the Kirstin, that I knew and fell in love with isn't Kirstin, that took care of Scott. My Kirstie loved everyone, this Kirstie hates me more than anyone and if I want something from her like food for Scott, she will turn it to me not caring about her," I rubbed my face. "Just because I didn't tell her, that I still love her. I didn't know it, but she wanted me to say it."

"I will talk to her about that."

"No, if I want something from her, I should get it myself. I just can't get her to listen to me," Scott got his empty plate away and laid his head on my shoulder, playing with my shirt. "Better?" he nodded with smile. "Good. Now close your eyes for a bit."

"Thank you, daddy," he breathed out.

"Always," I kissed his forehead. "Now sleep a little," I saw my mom smiling. "What?"

"My son is just like my husband," I smiled. "I'm going to call Kirstin and you should explain everything to others," I nodded sadly. Scott's body relaxed finally.

"Sleep well, little boy," I whispered to his ear. Mom went out and soon after everyone got in with aww. I explained everything with little more details. By the time I ended, Scott woke up with light yawn. "Hey there little guy. How did you sleep?"

"Good," he whispered and started playing with my shirt again. "Can pvay on phone a vittve?" I gave it to him.

"You deserve it, you were good boy today," he smiled and started playing some cars. I rubbed his back as he was shining happily, when he won his kind of race. "Clever boy," he giggled and played another level.

"You look like you love every moment of it," Connie said, looking at little Scott.

"That's because I do. I mean, it feels little weird, being his like-a-father, when you are here, but anything to make him happy," they smiled at me kindly. There came knock and mom walked in.

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