16.4 🏳️‍🌈🎹 Silencing

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"Mitch, Scott is calling about the visit and if it's still on. Is it?" Joey called into their apartment and waited for the response.

Mitch quickly came with a confused look. "What?" Joey repeated himself with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, ask him if we need to bring anything and when exactly we should be there." He smiled and disappeared for a bit then came back again.

"Okay, see you then." Joey said to the phone and walked to his boyfriend who was patiently waiting by the counter. "What were you doing that you didn't hear me well? You always understand me unless you're doing something you don't want me to know of." He chuckled and got his arms around Mitch.

Mitch smiled and snuggled to Joey's shoulder. "You'll find out soon enough." He mumbled and pulled his boyfriend a little closer. "You are amazing, have I told you that today?" He pulled away to look at Joey a bit more and then pulled him back.

"What did you do? You act all cute as if you did something." He pulled away and looked Mitch in the eyes.

Mitch chuckled. "It's a plan that will be revealed tomorrow. Trust me that this secret is good." He said and gave Joey a kiss. "In less than 36 hours, you will see everything unfold, don't make me ruin it." He looked at his boyfriend like a little puppy.

Joey sighed with a smile. "Okay then. But let's not jinx it because I really don't want anything to change the course of your plan. Now I am going to pack my bag, can you please make me the coffee that I came here to make?" He asked with a smile.

Mitch nodded. "Of course. Where should I bring it then?"

"Wherever you'll go, I will be there eventually." He chuckled.

Mitch smiled to himself knowing that he was about to go to the same room because he needed to finish packing. He made the coffee and with the mug, he was on his way to their bedroom. "Long time no see, gorgeous." He chuckled and handed him the drink.

They packed their stuff and after that, while Joey went to take a shower, Mitch went to put their bags into their car. When he got back, he went to make them little dinner - sandwiches. By the time he was done, Joey was sitting next to him drying his hair and smiling proudly at his boyfriend.

Then they ate together and Mitch went to take a shower as well. When he got out and dried his hair, they went to bed so they could wake up early and go to Scott's as the plan said.

Joey fell asleep nearly immediately, but Mitch had a hard time falling asleep. He ended up choosing to carry his boyfriend with him to the living room and watch TV silently while cuddling with Joey.

But his plan had a catch - Joey woke up to the movement. "Babe, what are you doing? Why are we moving?" He mumbled as his hand was laid on Mitch's chest.

"We are going to the living room so that we can stay cuddling and I can watch the TV for a bit to get my eyes to feel tired. You can keep sleeping." He whispered and kissed Joey's head. As soon as they were laying again, Joey was sleeping. Mitch turned on the TV and put the volume to the lowest so that he would hear, but his partner wouldn't get woken up again.

He fell asleep in less than 30 minutes and he woke up around 2:20am when Joey got up to go to the toilet and they met again back in their bed.

They woke up early, just like their plan was, and did everything as planned as well - they ate, they got ready and they left. The traffic was far worse than they anticipated, so they got to Scott's about 4 hours after what they agreed on. "Hey, the traffic wasn't very friendly, sorry we're so late." Joey smiled and hugged Scott.

"It's okay, Kirstie and Jonah have been here since the morning." He smiled. "They are in the living room." He nodded towards the room and pulled Mitch for a welcome hug too. They went to the living room together. "Look who finally showed up."

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