2. 🎹 Old love is still there

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Characters: Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, Scott Richard Hoying, Kirstin Taylor Maldonado, Kevin Oluwole Olusola, Avriel Benjamin Kaplan


5:00pm - Kirstie's house - Mitch's P.O.V.

"Kirstie, come on, we're starting," Scott yelled in her living room. "You'll be the first since you're the last one here. Guys, rock paper scissors to see, who will give her truth or dare," we started and I won.

"I hope she'll get the truth," I smirked. "Dare would be a little harder, but I think I would come up with something." Kirstie came and sat down. "Kirstie, truth or dare?"

"I don't trust you with dares, Mitch, so truth. And for the record, I was preparing food for you," she looked at Scott.

"Should I use it right now guys, or save it for later?" I looked at Avi.

"Use it, because then she won't pick it up," Avi said.

"Okay. For the record, I don't even know, who she'll be talking about, because I'm probably not the lucky one. So Kirstie, tell the truth, how would you describe your first kiss?" her face changed. It was horror and chaos.

"I should've gone for the dare, huh?" I shrugged. "Okay, once I remember that back into the past... I think have it. If not it would be weird, because I always remember that one as the first one. It was the best kiss anyone could ever ask for," she looked dreamy.

"Ooh lucky guy, huh?" she nodded.

"You don't even know how lucky. Okay, let's continue. Avi truth or dare?"

"I feel like risking. Dare," she gave him her legendary evil smirk. "I think I chose wrong."

"Too late. I dare you to call your high school crush and tell her that she's your high school crush. But only crush, no girlfriend," he gulped.

"I can look for her, but I don't know if I will find her. I don't even know where she lives," he opened his facebook and searched for her name... nothing.

"Try google, it knows everything about everyone," I laughed.

"Thanks, I tried to avoid it, not actually do it," he laughed weirdly. He looked for a few minutes and nothing. "Maybe she's married or something, because I didn't find her."

"You don't know how to dig, do you? Hand it here," Scott took his phone. "Give me her name."

"Theresa Osborne... I think," he started to think and it was really fascinating to see his face.

"I think I found her. Is this her?" Scott turned the phone back to Avi.

"You know it's been a long time since I have seen her. If this is her, then I think I'm going crazy, man. She looks totally different from what she used to look like," Avi took the phone and left the room going through the pictures.

"Okay next one, this one's boring. Scott, mind taking his part?" Kirstie turned her head to the guy between me and her.

"Sure. I know, Kevin's still the one without being involved in any way. But I choose to ask Mitch. Truth or dare?"

"Whatever I choose, it will end up bad, so Kitty, choose for me, please," they laughed.

"I want you to suffer, so dare," she smiled innocently.

"Mitch, my little best friend. We both know, how well I know you, so... I dare you to kiss the person, who's your first kiss and I mean a big, long, and sweet kiss," he laughed.

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