40. 🎹 Maybe Just Once

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Pentatonix were out, celebrating the end of yet another tour. They knew that it wasn't the end of them meeting up almost all the time, but they couldn't wait to rest for a moment or two. They stayed in the last city and booked hotel rooms for one more night.

Their idea of getting just a drink or two ended just like any other idea like that - they went for it as much as they could handle.

Scott ended up taking Kevin and Matt back to their rooms. He would take the other two, but he couldn't find them. At least not in that bar. As he went by Kirstie's room, he could hear a thing or two, but he had no idea what was actually happening on the other side.

He tucked the guys into their beds and went to the room, he was supposed to share with Mitch, who at the time was... preoccupied with fun on the other side of the same wall... with Kirstie.

At first it wasn't loud enough for Scott to hear it and realize what he was hearing. But nothing lasts forever. One second he was thinking about going to look for Mitch, the next one he hoped to not remember that night. He heard more than he'd like, more than multiple others would like. He knew exactly who he could hear and what they were doing.

When he woke up the next morning, Mitch was already out of the shower. He was getting his shirt on and then pulling his jeans up. "Ugh, don't even breathe near me after what you did yesterday. I thought about double homicide." Scott groaned and hid his face under a pillow.

"Don't yell you moron." Mitch groaned back at him.

Scott looked at him. "I'm not yelling." He shook his head. "When did you come here and how much do you remember from after the party?" He stood up to get ready for his shower.

"I came about an hour ago, I needed a moment under the water. And I remember only fragments, but I have no idea why I was in Kirstie's room." He scratched the back of his head. He sat down on his bed. "Or why we were... oh goodness gracious, did we? Please tell me we didn't." He looked at Scott with his eyes widened.

"Well either you're way too good at voice acting, or you two had a lot of fun. Enough for me to have troubles sleeping." He smiled sarcastically and went to take a shower.

Mitch started pacing around the room and then decided to go to Kirstie's to talk. When he was leaving, she was still sleeping. The night before, she was saying how she couldn't wait to get some sleep, so he went to his room to make sure he won't wake her up. He didn't know whether to knock or not, because he didn't even know if she's up already or not.

While he was debating with himself, Kirstie was getting out of the shower. As she was leaving the bathroom, the sound of the door closing was enough for Mitch to know she was up. He gently knocked on the door and waited.

Kirstie went to quickly get dressed. "A moment." She called as she was putting the clothes on. Once she was done, she walked to open the door. "Did you forget something? Like saying good morning at least?" She gave him a look.

"Good morning to you as well. I came to talk. I wanted to take a shower and I didn't want to wake you up. You said you wanted to sleep a bit after the tour to finally rest." He looked down like a kid.

She sighed and stepped aside to let him in. "I woke up to the sound of the door closing." She said as she went after him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen." He gave her a weak smile.

She sat down on her bed. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

He gulped. "About what happened last night. And the fact that Scott heard it." He felt so embarrassed.

She rubbed her face. "So Scott, unlike me, remembers what happened. Well that's just great. I mean, based on the fact that I woke up in no clothes and heard you leaving, I figured, but Scott knowing more than me doesn't sound that good." She sighed and shook her head.

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