Chapter Forty-Four

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Pulling together packs to go against Conri Gallen in a day wasn't easy and frankly seemed impossible. The man had an army, the biggest pack in America so standing against him was quite a statement but Sly was determined to save his little brother from a cruel fate but finding werewolves to go against him wasn't easy and in such a short period, they were not fairing well when the day was coming to an end. A few more packs joined to their little coup against Conri. Sly stood behind the desk hunched over as his good eye examined the map that rests on the tabletop. The lay of the land was in front of him and a plan of attack was coming together "How are we doing?" Luca inquired entering the room.

"Our best point is probably taking the place from either side. The front is always covered in guards and the back is always patrolled. The east and west wing are our best bets plus the dungeons are in the east we can get to Cae faster" Sly explained pointing over the map that lay before him.

"You think we will get to him on time?" Luca asked the curly-haired brunette stepped closer to the desk.

"I can only hope" Sly sighed glancing up from the paper. His tired eyes obvious as the dark bags surrounded them, his good eye almost completely bloods shot.

"You should get a few hours sleep, Sly till we have to head out. It's going to be a long fight and you're going to be want to be at your best" Luca insisted. He had always been loyal to the Gallen brothers in his years working beside them.

"Thanks, Luca. You rest too"  Sly didn't fight him. He knew he was right after all going into this sleep-deprived would only get him killed he needed to be at his best. Sly walked around the table and gave a pat to the shorter wolves shoulder before walking passed "see you in the morning."

"See you then" Luca replied the nervousness was obvious in both of their voices but it wasn't anything either of them were going to press instead they just went their separate ways.


By the time Sly got to the bedroom Deiha was already fast asleep. Her back to the door while her thin frame lay on her side under the covers, Sly couldn't help but admire her even asleep she was stunning and he couldn't help but stare before finally pulling himself away changing his clothes then climbing into the bed beside her. Sly hadn't had much company in the bedroom and now finally having someone warming up the other side of the bed it was something he couldn't describe how much happiness it brought him considering it was something he thought he would never have. His armrest around her waist holding her back close to his front, the coconut scent of her long blonde hair a welcoming escape for his mind "are you alright?" she mumbled barely awake as she pressed a kiss to the arm that had slithered its way under her head.

"As good as I can be" he whispered.

"It's going to be okay" she whispered in return.

"How do you know that?" He buried his face into her tanned shoulder.

"Because it has to be. After all this, after everything your grandfather has done, he can't win... He can't win this time" The words were more like she was trying to convince herself, however.

"He's taken so much, Deiha" Sly sighed "I hope your right for all our sakes" his hand pressed to her abdomen it was still flat but he knew it was there. The small life form growing inside of her was underneath his hand and giving him yet another reason to fight.

"You will fight..." Deiha suddenly rolled over to face him, his eye watching her every movement "and you will win" Deiha encouraged further a small smile on her face as though trying to be more convincing.

"I love you" was all he said in return.

"I love you too" she leaned forward her forehead resting against his own "get some rest my love because tomorrow is a big day."

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