Chapter Twenty-Three

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The sun was up, the rays peeked through the curtains but Alcaeus couldn't find it in him to more. Usually, he was up by now. Awake, breakfast, showered dressed all before there is a light in the sky but he couldn't seem to bring himself to move. His eyes stared aimlessly realising he had been lying there for quite sometimes since he now knew there were three thousand and eighty-six separate patterns on his ceiling "Alpha?" the knock on the door from one of his warriors made his focus falter slightly "Alpha is everything okay?" the voice came again but Alcaeus didn't speak, didn't answer. He didn't know what to say with an unsettled feeling in the depths of his chest he felt almost lost. Without another sound, the warrior left but barely twenty minutes later the door opened with a loud thud against the door and there was only one person game enough to do that.

"Alright, little brother. Rise and shine" Sly practically sang as he walked across the room and tossing open the curtains causing Alcaeus to groan when the harsh light of day met his eyes "you're usually the first one up..."

"I know..." Alcaeus groaned once more as he sat himself up swinging his muscular legs over the edge of the bed, he perched his elbows on his thighs as his face fell into the palms of his hands.

"Oh, man. It's really hitting you isn't it" Sly almost chuckled.

"What?" Alcaeus huffed before pulling his face from his hands "I just... I feel uncomfortable, I couldn't sleep... I've never had this before" he sighed straightening himself up and rubbing at his chest as though it ached.

"You're so programmed by grandfather it's like you're a robot sometimes" Sly shook his head while his little brother shot him a glare "your hurting, Cae" Sly couldn't help but laugh at how oblivious Alcaeus was "your hurt because now Hele doesn't want anything to do with you, she's told you to leave and never come back so you're hurt because..." Sly didn't finish as though the last part was obvious.

"I.. I don't" Alcaeus shook his head suddenly.

"Cae..." Sly sighed as he stood across from his brother letting his shoulder press against the dark wall as he leaned against it "you love her."

"I... I tried" he let his large body fall back onto the bed "I tried to do what I could while sorting things out I just don't--"

"Don't want her to get hurt" Sly sighed once more "I did warn you, Cae. I just wish you informed me of you're idiotic plans before you play them out."

"They aren't idiotic" Alcaeus growled as he sat himself up on his elbows.

"Well did they work? You lied to her and told her you weren't willing to fight for her what do you expect?" Sly questioned an all too serious look on his face.

Alcaeus went to open his mouth but Silver ran in a worrisome look on the warriors face "umm Alpha, I'm sorry for interrupting but your grandfather is here."

The brothers looked to one another before simultaneously saying "fuck."

"I will be right down," Alcaeus said after clearing his throat.

"Yes Alpha" Silver responded before quickly leaving.

"He's here. Why the fuck is he here" Sly muttered.

"I don't know he usually lets me know before he arrives" Alcaeus jumped up in a panic as he ran to his drawers ripping open drawers till finally pulling out a t-shirt.

"You think?"

"He knows? No.. He would be in here ripping things apart" Alcaeus confirmed as he slid on a shirt and the pair quickly left the room.

"What's going on?" Deiha questioned peeking out her bedroom door.

"Grandfather is here. Quick inside" Sly said ushering her into her room and quickly following her in and closing the door. Sly knew better than to show his face when their grandfather was around.

"Alcaeus!" Conri bellowed from the first floor once he caught sight of his grandson standing by the second-floor railing.

"Sorry to keep you grandfather" he quickly spoke adjusting himself to a more formal manner.

"You're usually up early, Alcaeus like a true Gallen Alpha. On top of things before first light" Conri eyed him sceptically as Alcaeus descended the staircase.

"I know, I know we've just had a bit of dramatics here is all grandfather nothing to worry about I'm on top of it" Alcaeus attempted to explain.

"I assume this is to do with the Carion's. I've heard what happened and that you and the daughter have called off your arrangements... Probably for the best considering what she did" he shook his head before stepping closer and placing a hand on his grandson's shoulder "nevermind that we will find you a better match" Conri sneered "they certainly didn't offer much anyway."

"I prefer focusing on my pack duties, you know that. I certainly don't have much time for anything else" Alcaeus attempted to make up an excuse.

"Of course, of course. Dedicated to being an Alpha. A true Gallen through and through my boy but eventually you will need an heir to carry on our name" Conri explained.

"Of course but I'm only twenty-five grandfather the matter isn't exactly pressing" Alcaeus was adamant on delaying a new mate the truth was Alcaeus didn't want a new mate he only wanted one and that was Helena.

"That's true--" his father began but a knock at the front door interrupted "oh I forgot to mention I brought some guests with me" the door opened and Alcaeus's jaw instantly tightened there in front of him was Brais Carion along with some of his warriors.

"What are they doing here?" Alcaeus questioned.

"Since you no longer are going to be mated to the Carion girl she still belongs in her father's pack, my boy. They know she is here and are here to take her home."

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