Chapter Forty-Three

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It was brutal but just another fight they had to win. As Sly stood the heel of his boot onto the Beta's neck he knew it was over for them. Their Alpha was gone, they had no direction. He was getting their pack back, their home back then he needed to get his brother. Sly's large foot pressed harder down onto the neck of the Beta who wheezed under the pressure "Yo....You're t-to late" he stuttered out but attempted to chuckle.

"For what?" Sly questioned leaning closer an eyebrow-raising out of curiosity at the man's sudden amusement. His bloodied and beaten face holding a dark grin.

"For you're brother, Kingsly" he chuckled again which caused Sly to press down harder the Beta automatically letting out a strained breath "d--didn't you he-hear?" he spoke breathlessly "y-you're grandfather I-is ex-executing him tomorrow" he attempted to keep the smirk "I--it's over you will ne-never save him" with a growl Sly stepped down forcefully the crunch and snap of his bones underfoot and the man falling limp.


Sly and some of the pack members trudged through the mess of dirt, he had already given orders to clean up the bodies and take whoever was left to go against them to the dungeons as he made his way to the borders. Luka and the others were already there awaiting their arrival. Bloodied, wounded and bruised they were all still alive however as they made their way to meet their other pack members "Sly" Deiha exclaimed once she set eyes on her mate he was happy to see her but couldn't take the concern from his face.

"Everything okay?" Luka questioned as soon as the group got closer.

"Seems we've now got an extension to our pack" his gaze turned to Deiha with pride "Deiha took out the Alpha which not now makes her the Alpha of this pack" her eyes widened as though the sudden realisation.

"Congratulations Alpha" Luka smiled at her.

"Oh no, no I'm not an Alpha" she shook her head at the idea.

"Deiha" Sly stepped closer and putting an arm around her waist "you were born to be an Alpha" he looked down at her a warm smile on his face to which she returned.

"Sly, sorry to interrupt but we should be getting home" Marco spoke a clear hesitancy in his voice.

"Yes," Sly gave a firm nod "we need to find my brother and fast" his face was suddenly full of concern "Conri is executing, Alpha Alcaeus tomorrow. We need to find where they are holding him and fast."


The Alpha's office felt strange without his little brother's presence. Everything in the room was distinctly Alcaeus and it just made Sly worry more about his brother. The group crammed around the small table. Sly, Deiha, Luka, Marco, Skai and now Rocko representing the newcomers to the pack and frankly Sly deduced he wanted to impress Luka since it was quite obvious Rocko had been making eyes at him "so where do we start?" Rocko questioned.

"Conri has practically a kingdom plus sub-branches everywhere from his pack. He could be keeping him in anyone of them" Skai explained. His eyes scanning the map of the area that lay in front of them.

"I wish Hele was here" Deiha sighed.

"I know... We will find her too don't worry" Sly gave an encouraging smile before focusing back on the task.

"Where do you think he would be hiding him Sly? He's your grandfather you know him better than anyone here" Luca dark eyes stared at the older Gallen.

"I think he's got him here" Sly spoke confidently his finger pointing to the direct centre of the map.

"In his pack?" Marco glanced to Sly surprised "you think he would be so stupid to keep him there."

Sly chuckled "no I don't think he's that stupid I do however think he is that narcissistic and arrogant to assume he's already won and that no one is coming for Alcaeus. Keeping him in his own pack lets him toy with him like a cat and mouse his favourite thing to do with others. Alcaeus is one of his favourite things to toy with he would want to keep him close anyway" Sly leaned over the map his eyes circling the location of his grandfathers pack "I know Conri better than anyone I'm telling you that's what he would do."

"You don't want to scout out any other packs?" Luca questioned.

Sly glanced up to look at the shorter man "we will need everyone on this. My grandfather's pack is the biggest and strongest we are going to need everyone we can get for this" Sly attempted to explain how dire the situation was.

"So what--"

"We have to get everyone and storm the castle" Sly spoke glancing to everyone in the room.

" a suicide mission?" Rocko wanted to clarify.

"Well worst case is we challenge him and we die, if we don't try we are all doomed anyway once my brother is executed and he finds out we are all alive" Sly straightened himself up and sighed " it's gonna be hard but if we win this if we win going against we are out from under his thumb" Sly looked around once again "are you all in?" there was silence for a while amongst them while Deiha held onto Sly's hand for support.

"Well we in. Alcaeus is our Alpha and we are his pack" Luca finally spoke up.

"Fuck it" Rocko shrugged "I'm in. There isn't anything for me and everyone from dungeon to live for if he keeps his title."

"Alright so if we are all in..." Sly let out a nervous breath " I guess we should announce to the packs what's going on and start getting ready to go to war."

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