Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Consequences it was a threat given almost a month ago yet there had been no word anything but blatant silence as they continued their mundane life except for that night. Sly and Deiha were officially going to be mated. Joined in front of the pack and moon goddess. Deep down Alcaeus wished his mate would be there but he knew she wouldn't after sending out word to try and find her the only news Alcaeus got in return was that she had returned to her reunite with her family in Romania but he should have figured that from her letter explaining how she had to leave and figure things out for herself that she would return but for now she couldn't stay... The promise to return had gotten Alcaeus it had only been a month yet her coming back to him felt as though it would never happen. His wildling was destined for greatness with or without him.

"How do I look?" Sly questioned as he walked into the office. Alcaeus quickly straightened up acting as though he wasn't daydreaming. His eyes examined his older brother who stood before him never had the man looked so cleaned up he had even had a hair cut, the long dark strands that once hung to his shoulders was shaved around the sides while neatly combed back on the longer top, even his facial hair was trimmed neatly and Alcaeus almost chuckled "what? Do I look bad?" Sly questioned noticing the smirk playing on his brother's lips.

"No.." Alcaeus quickly shook his head "you've cleaned up nicely."

"I thought it was time," he said brushing his hand over his now shorter hair before sighing "are you concerned about grandfather, Cae?"

"No..." Alcaeus snapped his dark eyes focused on his older brother.

"Grandfather has a lot of ties. Its why we have never gone against him before. You've challenged him and ignored his rules he isn't going to take this lying down" Sly warned.

"I'm aware of this, Sly..." he looked to his already nervous brother with a slight smile "don't worry about this today. Today you and Deiha will be mated that is what you should be focused on. Let me worry about our grandfather."

"When did you get so mature?" Sly teased.

"I've always had to be with you as a brother" Alcaeus smirked as his older brother feigned offence "now get out of my office. I have work to do."

"I will see you tonight" Sly couldn't help but smile even in such serious times it was nice to have a teasing moment even if it were small.

"See you then."


To say it was beautiful was probably an understatement, with the moon and stars beaming down upon them in the courtyard. Lights strung through the trees, petals lining the paths everything was perfectly set up and Sly and Deiha were over the moon of the turnout. The pack, guest packs and now Sarvis's old pack since Alcaeus made it official that he killed his uncle claiming the Alpha title of that pack as well. Alcaeus stood back and observed his brother Sly stood by Deiha with his arm around her waist while she hands hers on his chest. He was happy for his older brother the man had been in a state of misery for eleven years without a mate to call his own yet here he was now a smile gracing his lips and a beautiful woman on his arm. Alcaeus was happy but at the same time envious of that and it made him miss his little wildling Helena but he pushed passed after all these years most of the time Alcaeus had perfect control over his emotions.

"Everyone! If you could gather around we are about to begin!" Alcaeus called out as he began walking to the front of the large group beckoning Deiha and Sly to join him. The full moon shone down upon them as the ceremony went forth. With a dagger Alcaeus pierced the palm of their outstretched hands, the blood quickly pooling before he instructed them to join hands, signifying their joining union. There were several stages of the mating ceremony. The announcement, joining in blood then finally taking a wolf form, placing their mark on one another and joining their body and soul once and for all. As Alcaeus held their joined hands together with their combined blood pooling at their feet everyone cheered for the new couple.

"Sorry to interrupt... Perhaps my invite was lost in the mail" Conrail's voice caught everyone off guard the older Gallen stood beside his warriors to the side of the ceremony.

"What are you doing here?" Alcaeus practically spat releasing his hold on Sly and Deiha walking passed them and closer to his grandfather.

"Oh my boy I did say there were consequences to your actions did I not?" Conri spoke a wicked smirk taking place as he challenged his grandson "I Conri Gallen, Alpha of the Werewolf species hereby banish Alcaeus Gallen, for murder, challenging his Alpha King and betraying the Gallen name."

"You can't do that!" Sly suddenly shouted.

"Cant I?" Conri simply continued to smirk.

"You're no Alpha King, just a pathetic controlling old man" Alcaeus scoffed.

"You have an hour to leave this territory, grandson before my guards escort you to the dungeons? Are you leaving peacefully or not" Conri continued the smug look on his face while everyone remained in a stunned silence beside a growling Sly who had to be held back by his mate.

Alcaeus sneered at the older man his fists tightening and he said the only two words he could think of "Fuck you!"

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