Chapter Fifteen

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The sun had barely made its way into the sky as they stood on the lawn by one of their dark SUV's preparing to say goodbye. Sly wrapped his arms around his little brother. No matter Alcaeus's actions Sly loved him endlessly even if he was no longer the small boy he promised to watch over. Sly's arms tightened while Alcaeus was quick to hug him back his little brother gripping at the back of his shirt the same way he did as a child.

"Take care of yourself, Cae. I will be back once Hele is settled" he whispered beside Alcaeus's ear.

"I have things covered..." he replied before letting out a sigh and his voice quieting even more "take care of Helena."

"You know I will" Sly leaned away giving his younger brother a smile and one more pat on his back before letting him go.

"I trust you" Alcaeus spoke before stepping away.

"It was nice meeting you, Sly" Deiha spoke once Alcaeus and Sly parted ways.

"You too, Deiha" Sly spoke as he approached the blonde who stood on the bottom step of the entrance "keep an eye on him while I'm gone" Sly nudged his head towards Alcaeus.

"I will... He can deny it all he wants but... It's obvious isn't it" Deiha spoke as they both observed Alcaeus's longing gaze at the back seat of the SUV where Helena sat.

"It really would be a matter of time before Conri found out if he kept that up" Sly attempted to joke a smile on his lips but it held a sadness behind it.

"Do you think that's how we looked at our mates" Deiha turned her gaze to Sly wide hopeful eyes staring up at him he couldn't help but actually grin.

"I'm sure of it" Sly reached out and gently gripped her arm in some sort of comforting manner "take care of yourself alright" he added. While Alcaeus had wandered his way to the rear passenger window.

"Change your mind?" Helena questioned but couldn't bring herself to turn her gaze to the large man leaning against the door.

"No.." he said flatly "just make sure you're safe up there."

"Alpha Gallen, I already made the mistake of thinking you cared once I won't make it again" she couldn't help but glance at him from the corner of her eye. Taking in his form. He was perfect to Helena which only made things hurt that much more before another word could be said she turned away and pressed the button on the door letting the window close and quickly shut off the contact between them. Alcaeus stood there a moment longer eyes staring into the window.

"Cae, we are going to go. I will see you soon" Sly's voice brought him out of his daze and Alcaeus simply gaze a nod before stepping away from the vehicle watching as his brother got inside and only a few moments later it began to pull away.

"Alcaeus we should talk" Deiha suddenly spoke.

"Not now" he spoke firmly and she simply gave a nod in understanding as he turned away.

A sadness had overwhelmed Alcaeus after Helena's departure. He watched as his brother and Helena drove away but it didn't make it any easier. His heart was relentless on its ache for her but for now, this was for the best a factor Alcaeus seemed to have to remind himself. Alcaeus didn't like when things became complicated and at the moment it seemed to be ridiculously so almost Shakespearian level of complication in his life which just wouldn't do.

Alcaeus's mind had drifted off as he made his way back to his office he had work to do, plans to make perhaps even help distract him from all this mess but that wasn't the case as soon as he opened the door there stood his uncle. The tall elegantly dressed man leaning back against his desk.

"This is for the best you know that Nephew" Sarvis spoke as soon as his dark cherry eyes focused on the younger Gallen.

"I know that uncle and now I've kept my word I can assume you will do the same?" Alcaeus
wanted confirmation on the matter.

"Of course, Alcaeus. I gave you my word, didn't I? Now you can focus on what you were supposed to do and your grandfather won't know the difference" Sarvis spoke as his arms folded over his chest and his thighs rest against the top of Alcaeus's desk.

"What I'm supposed to do?" Alcaeus couldn't help but question the statement.

"Yes, take that Carion girl. Make her your mate. She's an Alpha's daughter and a perfect candidate to be your mate" Servis spoke but Alcaeus couldn't help his mind become more curious.

"Why are you so set on this arrangement? If I remember correctly it was your idea for it to be the Carion daughter" Alcaeus's hard gaze was on his uncle as he made his way around his desk.

"Easy nephew" Sarvis chuckled at Alcaeus sudden paranoia "I simply chose her because she was the best option that is all. She's strong, beautiful she will be a good mother to raise your pups" Sarvis chuckled once more "I don't see the problem, Alcaeus."

"Mm... I suppose there isn't one—"

"Alcaeus.." Sarvis turned to face his nephew a suddenly serious tone "this isn't really about the Carion daughter it's about your little mate isn't it?" Alcaeus simply remained silent and Sarvis sighed "it's why we don't keep them alive, Alcaeus they drain our strength with all the useless emotions the drag in with them. I really do hope you're strong about this if you insist on keeping her alive we wouldn't want you becoming distracted and unable to continue being Alpha. Just follow my advice focus on the Carion daughter. Trust me nephew" Sarvis insisted. There was no trust Alcaeus knew he couldn't trust Sarvis as far as he could throw him, Sarvis wanted one thing which was to become Alpha, Alcaeus wasn't oblivious or stupid to his family he had years of practice to tread quietly a step out of line would get you killed so he would continue his obedient act because Alcaeus had a plan now and he wouldn't let anyone get in the way.

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