Chapter Eight

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Despite their looks, Sly and Alcaeus were very different especially their patience. While Alcaeus had very little, Sly, however, had all the patience in the world it was apart of the reason their grandfather viewed him as soft just one of many traits Sly was similar to his father but patience was what he needed now as Alcaeus was downstairs speaking to their grandfather hoping to appease him somehow while Sly was on mate watch. Standing by the door watching over the little she-wolf as she curled up in a tight ball, her nose tucked underneath her paw. Sly couldn't help the mixed feeling of emotions over the situation pity of course since how hard things were but apart of him was envious, envious that at the end of the day Alcaeus had his mate, she was alive and Alcaeus was able to save her. After everything, somedays Sly still felt like he was that seventeen-year-old boy beaten down by his grandfather with no way of escape and in some ways he still was that teenager.

"What are you doing?" The soft voice caught his attention now realising the once brown wolf had returned to her human form and hidden under a blanket. He hadn't heard her speak much but the roll of the R's and the lacking of the letter H sound when she spoke but like his brother, he couldn't pinpoint the accent.

"Alcaeus asked me to watch you. He has a meeting" Sly spoke attempting to be vague. Her eyebrows furrowed for a moment seeming to question him but then slowly nodded.

"I don't need to be watched" she more muttered.

"Where are you from?" Sly suddenly asked in attempt to change the subject.

"What?" The question caught her off guard for a moment "Um... My family was from Romania I think we moved when...." she raked her fingers through her dark waves of hair in frustration.

"It's alright" Sly attempted to comfort the girl as he moved further into the room.

"I don't remember much of being a child with my family just somethings" she let out a laugh so sweet it made Sly question why the Goddess would match his brother with such a sweet seeming girl "you now know more about me than my own mate" she laughed once again seeming amused over the matter.

"Well Cae isn't much of a talker anyway but I'm sure you two will get to know each other... In time" Sly was hesitant with his words not really sure what to divulge to the girl.

"I guess I can make up for that then" she held a wide smile. Speaking about Alcaeus seemed to please her and it was obvious that the bond had already settled its roots deep inside of her and she was happily embracing it which left Sly with a twinge of guilt that she didn't know the true sinister nature of their family and what this girl was in for. Sly was really hoping he was underestimating Helena and she wasn't as sweet and naive as she seemed.

"Seems you and I will get on well then. Chatting my brothers ear off" Sly had made his way into the room and let his slender figure lean back against the deep royal blue wall. His shoulder blades resting perfectly against the cold plastering. It seemed no matter the amount of time he still kept the perfect posture that had been drilled into him growing up.

"So I have basic knowledge of how packs work and by what I have seen one of you are the Alpha here right? This room is a bit fancy for a regular wolf" she suddenly asked causing Sly to chuckle and revealing his stunning smile. Even with the scars across his face, his charming smile was something that couldn't be hidden even with the claw marks down his face.

"Yes, Cae is the Alpha here. We are a branch from our grandfather's pack and when he steps down Cae will take over that one as well as become the leader our of other branches" Sly explained the best he could.

"Why aren't you Alpha? You're the oldest right? Or does it have to do with your eye?" all the questions threw Sly off guard, after all, each question had a complicated answer but the sound of stomping that passed the room distracted themselves. Sly was expecting the younger Gallen to come back to the room but his complete dismissal of their presence made him nervous.

"A bit of a complicated story that I will tell another time. Why don't you get ready for breakfast while I go talk to Cae" Sly spoke as he turned and headed for the door.

"Alright... Thank you, Sly for keeping me company" her sweet honey eyes focused on the deep navy blanket that covered her naked form "and tell Cae to come back to me when you're done" she was a strange little thing Sly thought anyway the way she had become so bold one moment to ask questions but the mere mention of her mate turned her so meek.

Sly gave a gentle nod before turning on his heel and leaving the girl alone. He followed his brother's heavy steps down the echoing hall to the large door of the main bedroom "Cae?" Sly called after a firm knock at the door to got no reply "Cae?" he knocked again. Sly stood by the door before finally just opening the door.

"I didn't invite you in for a reason" Alcaeus spoke his back remaining to his older brother. Very obvious of his frustration as he stood in his usual spot by his large balcony doors.

"What happened little brother?" Sly asked as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

"I spoke to grandfather. He spoke to the Carion Alpha he told him about my mate and he believes she's dead" Alcaeus explained flatly.

"He brought it so what's the problem?" Sly was confused over his brother's irritated state.

"The problem..." Alcaeus turned suddenly a face full of frustration with his eyebrows furrowed deeply causing a crevice in the bridge of his slender nose "the problem is I have to send her away."

"That was already apart of the plan we were sen--" Sly couldn't even finish the sentence before Alcaeus cut him off.

"No! I mean further. If I can't kill her then I'm sending her as far away as possible. I may have given into weakness but I won't do so again. I don't want that girl and I don't need her. Grandfather is right mates make us weak" Alcaeus ranted the cherry eyes seeming to be inflamed in anger as he spoke.

"What did he say to you, Cae?" Sly's eyes narrowed in suspicion he knew his grandfather well enough to know the man's tactics.

"He said he was... Proud of me" Alcaeus's gaze faulted as he spoke barely able to keep eye contact explaining "That I was better off with Deiha Carion cause look where mates lead us. Pathetically chasing one another like lost puppies no... No, I will not have it. Look what happened to mum and dad."

"What happened to mum and dad was because that psycho son of a bitch killed them and now he's manipulating you. Like he has done our whole lives, Cae. You need to think about this" Sly couldn't help the venom that snapped out at the mention of their grandfather he hated the old man after everything he had caused them.

" It's too late! I've made up my mind" Alcaeus turned to his brother, standing tall, strong jaw tightly clenched "I am the Alpha here, I am the one who will take lead in the Gallen family. Do not question me again! My decision is final!" and with that Alcaeus stormed out of the room. Sly stood there he was angry at his little brother partially but more of their grandfather the man knew all the buttons to push to get what he wanted but not this time. This time he wasn't going to win Sly was determined on it.

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