Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"So let me get this straight" Sly spoke as he paced the room. His footsteps so heavy they would surely start to wear the floor down then and there. "Conri wanted you to take another mate and you refused? Then after you refused you challenged him for the Alpha title then he attacked you with his silver claws is that it?" Sly turned to his younger brother with a single brow raised. Alcaeus had been awake for a few hours now and in that time attempted to explain what had happened though it had been a struggle with his slowly healing wounds. Alcaeus simply gave a nod in response "and what happened to finally set this idiotic move in motion hmm?" Sly questioned further but it was rather pointless when Alcaeus's deep red eyes turned to Helena who hadn't budged from the spot beside his bed.

"Sly..." Deiha reached out for the man her hand settled onto the space between his shoulder blades.

"You shouldn't have tried to take him on your own, Cae. We need a proper plan of attack" Sly shook his head while Alcaeus sat silently as his brother scolded him he didn't even seem to focus on his older brother as his eyes continued to linger on the brunette beside him who remained silent herself.

"We will... Give you two a minute" Deiha suddenly said as she watched Alcaeus and Helena.


" No... They need a moment" she spoke in a whisper before practically pushing Sly out the door. The man only resisted slightly before letting the blonde escort him from the room but once they were outside and the door had closed behind them a lull had come over the room while Alcaeus continued to steal the occasional glance of Helena, she remained tense with her eyes staring straight ahead.

"He...Hele..." Alcaeus attempted to speak before clearing his throat but Helena turned abruptly her honey eyes shooting daggers.

"I came" she suddenly snapped "I came and helped you but since I've done my job and you're healing should I leave now? Pretend we don't know each other again" she went to jump from her chair when Alcaeus caught hold of her hand. It had been so long since he had touched her and to say he had missed it was definitely an understatement "remove your hand" she growled once again that firey gaze set upon him.

"Stay..." he attempted to ask. Those usually lava fed eyes of his had somehow softened once set upon her.

"Why now? Because you're injured?" she practically snorted at the thought.

"Be...Because things... Have changed" he struggled to speak sounding as though a bag of gravel sat in his throat.

"What has changed?" her unkempt eyebrows wrinkled in curiosity.

"E...Everything" she didn't say anything but slowly sat down.

"Explain" she suddenly ordered of him ignoring the fact that even though she has seated once again his hand still held her own. Though Helena would deny it she had missed him also.

"My... My family have a reputation" Alcaeus began as he sat upon the bed "every Gallen be... Before us besides our father, Sly and myself have killed their ma... Mate. There is a superstition that a mate will d... Drain us of power" he stopped suddenly clearing his throat before continuing "my grandfather killed my father because he ran away with his mate, he k...Killed Sly's mate before removing his Alpha title and scarring him for life."

"That's why you didn't tell anyone? And sent me away?" Helena questioned.

"Yes..." he cleared his throat once again before continuing "announcing I had found my mate would be a nail in t...The coffin for you and me. I tho... Thought I could figure a way around it including sending you away b... But when grandfather insisted on me taking another mate" he sighed "I couldn't help but challenge him" they sat quietly for a moment with Helena staring at him with a thoughtful look on her face.

"You're still an idiot" she suddenly snapped at him.

"I know" Alcaeus admitted.

"This is a big mess you have gotten yourself into when you could have just asked for help" she stood suddenly and approached the bed till she stood at the side of it. The cold metal resting against her thighs.

"I know"

Helena shook her head at her mate as she let her hand slip from his "I still don't forgive you for what you did" Helena suddenly announced," but I can understand why you did it and that's a start" they stared at one another for a moment before she leaned closer. Alcaeus grew anxious at the action but was quickly disappointed when she stopped barely an inch from him "you have a lot of work to do, Alpha. You better rest up and get some energy because we are going to finish this problem of yours... As a team."

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