Chapter Nine

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"I'm sorry that you haven't been able to spend any time with Cae" Sly apologised once again as a placed a plate of perfectly fried eggs in front of the small she-wolf. He had been doing that a lot lately making up excuses for his brother who had been spending the last few days Helena had been in the pack looking for another pack further away to send her but that wasn't something he could divulge to Helena.

"Its okay, Sly. It's not your fault" the longer he spent with her the longer Sly got to know Helena and how sweet she was, she could also be terribly blunt but overall Sly had quickly grown to like Helena and enjoy her company. He was also realising why the goddess had set to put Helena and Alcaeus together.

"Well if we are going to continue spending time together like this you will have to start cooking breakfast once in a while" Sly spoke attempting to lighten the mood.

"I can't cook" she laughed over the matter "I've spent the majority of my time with wolves Sly."

"Of course... They didn't teach you at your last pack?" Sly couldn't help but inquire.

"Most of them thought I was quite strange and avoided me I only had one friend Deiha" Sly simply gave a nod at her explanation while internally groaning about the complications in their family life Deiha now another name on the list of complications.

"Well, maybe when you're more settled here we can teach you. Are you enjoying the grounds here?" he inquired. When they spoke about her enjoying her wolf form it wasn't a joke majority of the time they would have breakfast before Helena would change to her wolf form and unless he went to see her that was how she spent her days while his brother ignored both of their existence.

"Very much. Though I don't understand why I can't speak to anyone else here" she spoke seeming confused on the matter.

"Just until things adjust and settle down--" Sly began but the booming voice of his brother suddenly cut him off.

"SLY!" the deep baritone echoed across the halls.

"Sorry, Hele. If you'll excuse me" Sly gave a polite smile.

"It's okay..." Helena obliged with a forced smile "at least he wants to see one of us" she muttered but Sly heard he simply gave a smile once more before leaving the girl alone.


"You've been ignoring me for days and now you want to talk?" Sly spoke as soon as he entered the office while Alcaeus sat behind the large cherry wood desk.

"I made some calls and I found a place far enough to send Helena" Sly was quick to notice the formality of his tone. He hated when Alcaeus saw there grandfather every time the man would weasel his way into Alcaeus's mind weakening his judgement and manipulating his decisions.

"I told you, Cae. We could just take her to where we originally were until we work on a plan" Sly quickly closed the heavy solid door behind him before rushing to the desk "together, Cae we are stronger now we can take grandfather--"

"Enough of this Sly. I got sucked in enough when I met the girl over this ridiculous mate bond if I can't kill her I can at least send her away" Alcaeus kept his formalities as her spoke not even bothering to look up.

"You're acting like a coward" Sly simply crossed his slender arms across his chest as he casually slumped against the wood-panelled wall.

"Takes one to know one I suppose doesn't it brother" the dark eyes turned up to set upon his older brothers actions.

"Guess it really does run in the family then. At least you could fix yours, Cae instead of sitting there like grandfathers puppet playing along to his every pull of your string. I know... I know I told you to do what he asked but don't you see I was wrong as soon as you brought back Hele I knew I was wrong" Sly attempted to explain.

"Hele? You're on a nickname basis now?" Alcaeus asked that seemed to be the only thing he had taken out of the entire speech.

"Don't act jealous now, Cae is terribly cliche" Sly waved his younger brothers behaviour off as he stood himself upright again and began to approach the desk Alcaeus occupied.

"I'm not jealous, Sly. I was just curious since you've spent the most time with her" he attempted to act disinterested but it was obvious that wasn't the case.

"Well, you won't let anyone else know about her besides Skai and Luka so she needs some company from someone" Sly couldn't help but be unimpressed over his brother's behaviour.

"Introduce her as what? As my mate? Grandfather will be informed and have our heads" Alcaeus scoffed "you know it's not that simple plus I'm already expected to be bound to the Carion daughter. The plans are in order and I may have been distracted from my path but I am back now."

"Don't be stupid, Cae. We could do something this time, we could try. We aren't children anymore we can take him down now don't you see" Sly slammed his hands to the wooden desk top causing the wood to rattle under the force "those scared boys are gone we have each other and we could do so much more--"

"Enough Kingsly!" Alcaeus growled out "enough. I will not go against grandfather I was a fool to even think about it in the first place and for what--"

"For what! Are you insane? Do you want to turn into that fucking psycho? Kill your own family? Your own children and anyone who gets in your way? He is a power-hungry monster, Alcaeus he always has been, don't let him do this again, let us fight, fight for you mate, brother please" Sly was practically begging. Those weak moments with his mate were diminished to nothing and if Sly didn't fight for them both his little brothers future was looking grim, a future where he becomes the replica of their grandfather.

"No!" those eyes... Those deep pits that look like pools of blood were narrowed in the direction of Sly " I had my moment of weakness and it will not happen again let it go. I don't want her! Do I make myself clear I don't want her nor do I need her so leave it alone" Alcaeus was shouting his chest heaving getting so lost in anger neither had noticed the door was now open.

"Umm..." the new voice caught both brothers attention. Both of them turning to see the honey eyed she-wolf awkwardly standing in the doorway "Sly, I'm going for my run" was all she said her eyes solely trained on Sly as she obviously avoided Alcaeus' gaze before she quickly fled.

"Good job, brother" Sly spoke his voice laced with sarcasm but Alcaeus' eyes were still trained on the door with a poorly hidden longing look before he ripped his eyes away and sneered at his older brother "you will certainly become our grandfather in no time at this rate" Sly shook his head as he followed after the small she-wolf leaving Alcaeus once again to his torturous mind state.

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