Chapter Forty

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"Well first comes first" Sly released his hold on Deiha's hand before pulling himself to his feet the fancy outfit he had been in now tarnished with dirt and grime "we need to find a way out of here, take down Alpha Carion, find Helena, take down my grandfather and save Alcaeus. Anyone not up for this better say so now" he glanced around but he had all the wolves attention even wolves from other cells seemed to be listening in on the conversation.

"Get us out and we will help you" an unknown voice called.

"I will swear my loyalties to you if you get me out" another voice called. Everyone seemed to be listening and in agreement on what they had to do.

"First then..." Sly looked around once more "let's get out of here shall we?"

Every wolf was on the search in their cell for a weakness any sort of weakness in the walls since the silver was a no go for them. The wolves felt and looked along every inch of every wall until the doors outside opened. It was quiet for a moment just a jingling of keys as several guards made their way through the hallway. Everyone in the cells stayed quiet watching the men who seemed unfazed as one made his way to the last cell and in large metal, gloves reached out and unlocked the door "Deiha!" he called.

"Yes?" her voice still quiet and croaking from all the crying.

"Your father wants to see you. Let's move" he ordered. Deiha stood still for a moment contemplating before finally nodding her head and following the guard.

"What does he want with her?" Sly growled as they passed by his cell.

"That's none of your business" the guard snapped back as he continued to push Deiha further along. She couldn't help but glance back at Sly in worry that it would be the last time she saw his face.


It had been a long time since she had been in her fathers sitting room at least that was how it felt. She hadn't seen the man since she fled from the pack months ago after he threatened he and she attacked him. Deiha didn't regret the attack if anything she wished had been faster so she could have finished the job because the vile man who stood before her wasn't the man who raised her, though Brais had barely been there growing up he had always left it up nannies and tutors making sure she would grow up into the perfect young lady, the perfect woman who would stand by an Alpha and give him perfect pups. "There you are" Brais spoke noticing her by the doorway "come in and sit, Deiha" he didn't ask but ordered of her but she obliged and walked into the room sitting down on one of the white couches he had in the room.

"You wanted to see me?" she questioned.

"I did" he let out a sigh before sitting down across from her. Brais's eyes narrowed on the blonde closely "you already know what a disappointment you have been to me, this pack and our family. We have a name to live up to, a proud family name and here you are tarnishing it. Not to mention now choosing to mate with the rejected Gallen" he scoffed at the thought "but besides all this, you are still my daughter and as you would already be aware everyone in the dungeons is going to die but Deiha you can still save yourself. I have another Alpha, Alpha Conri explained that this one will be a top commander of one of his fledgling packs in a few years... It isn't ideal but it's something..." Brais sighed once more as though the whole situation made him tired just to think about "this is your last chance, Deiha I will not ask again either you agree to this or you die with those fools downstairs though if you saw things my way perhaps their lives could be spared... The choice is yours" the older Carion stared at her expectantly as though she would be running to his embrace begging for forgiveness and for him to take her back which frankly baffled Deiha, she couldn't help but stare realising the lengths this mad man would go to for power. Kill her mother, brother, mate, threaten her and now threaten to kill her, her chosen mate and new pack if she didn't oblige to his order. A rush of protective energy came over her like a tide crashing to shore it hit hard and fast and before Deiha could even realise what she was doing and focus on another word. Her fangs were bared, her claws her extended within a blink of an eye the long black nails of her right hand were buried deep into the stomach of her now gurgling father trying not to choke on his blood that was surging up his throat. Any other day Brais would be stronger than Deiha easily but something switched in her and with an inhuman voice she leaned closer to his ear "you will never take anything from me again" and with that yanking back her bloody hand pulling out the intestines with her and letting the blood spill over the once perfectly white lounge "you will never take anything from anyone again."

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