Chapter Fifty: Bonus Chapter

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It had been five years since Alcaeus and Sly killed Conri and Sly took over the pack. A lot of things had changed though Sly overlooked the entire country of the United States, there were sub packs underneath him with Alpha's leading them but overlooking everything. He returned to the home him and Alcaeus built together and tore down the giant monstrosity that was their grandfathers home. Over five years a lot had changed.

"Are you ready baby?" Sly called out. The once scruffy young man had opted to keep a cleaner look.

"I can only go so fast" Deiha huffed attempted to zip up the bag once more as she reached passed her swelling stomach. They had been preparing to welcome their fourth child another son seeming to follow along with family tradition with a family of all boys.

"I've got it" Sly chuckled as he helped his struggling mate who stared daggers at him.

"Do not make fun of me!" She exclaimed. She tended to be firie while she was pregnant which Sly tended to enjoy.

"I'm sorry" he laughed again before leaning closer and kissing her forehead. Five years and he still couldn't keep his eyes off her Deiha was still the most stunning creature he had laid eyes on.

"Are the boys packed?" Deiha no sooner spoke two of the little Gallen boys came running into the room. Of course, the traits were strong with all their eyes dark and crimson it was obvious they would be strong when they were older. Chase, the oldest who was five was the spitting image of his father with a tough attitude, Dax who was three looked like Sly but held some softer features like his mother, her blonde hair showing through in his, Rafe was only one but already a ball of energy and now they were five months from expecting their fourth boy who they already named Hudson.

"Mummy, mummy!" Dax shouted for her attention he was quite the little mummy's boy.

"I can't wait to see Uncle Cae and Aunty Hele" Chase smiled showing off the dimples in his cheeks.

"And your new cousin" Sly added as he picked up Rafe from the white wooden crib at the end of their large king-sized bed.

"Did Alcaeus mention a name yet?" Deiha questioned.

"No..." Sly rolled his eyes. It had been three months since they had flown over to visit his brother and Helena who were living in Romania but they had to make a sudden trip over when Alcaeus called two days earlier that Helena had had their first child.

"I guess he wants it to be a surprise" Deiha shrugged.

"I guess so. Are we ready to go?" Sly asked glancing around to his growing family. He had never been so happy than laying his eyes on his beautiful mate and amazing sons. A family he thought he would never have.

"Ready!" Dax shouted. Deiha laughed brushing her hand over his head of thick ash blonde hair.

"We are ready" Deiha glanced up to Sly standing in front of her with their infant son in his arms.

"Then let's go."


Across the world, things were similar with Helena in charge of the region. It took two years for Alcaeus to adjust to living there but he was determined to be with his mate, it took him another two years, however, to convince Helena to join him in a mating ceremony but as long as she agreed he didn't care he would have waited however long it took to be with her but now he was excited to see his brother, sister in law and nephews to meet his new baby.

In the nursery suite a room that had been designed in their large dark stone home. Sly, Deiha and their sons entered the beautifully decorated room greeted with a beaming Alcaeus, the once broody male was now a giant giddy child "Uncle" Dax and Chase exclaimed rushing towards the well-built man leaning down he hugged the two boys.

"Hey boys" he kissed both their foreheads before moving on and kissing the forehead of the other young Gallen sibling that remained in his father's hold.

"How are you, Cae?" Sly asked.

"I'm great, come in, come in" Alcaeus welcomed them into the room and over to a large bed with the slender frame of Helena laying in the centre of the bed.

"How are you feeling, Hele?" He asked the brunette.

"I just pushed a pup out of my body how do you think?" She growled and Alcaeus couldn't help but smile. Even after all this time she was still relentlessly blunt.

"Right... Sorry. Where is my little nephew anyway?" Sly asked looking around the room for the baby. Alcaeus walked around the bed to a small white bassinet and lifting a sleeping newborn into his arms.

"Right here" Alcaeus smiled holding the baby close to his chest.

"Meet the newest member of the Gallen family everyone" Helena stared her eyes full of love looking at her mate and newborn as everyone began to gush over the baby.

"What's his name?" Sly questioned.

"Her" Helena corrected.

"Her?" He was surprised at that. A female under the Gallen name had been unheard of for generations but none the less there she was. This beautiful baby girl a head of dark curls already showing through.

"This is Kaia Marlowe Gallen" Alcaeus introduced. They all stood around welcoming the new baby to their now expanding family. A new generation of Gallen's being able to carry the name proudly into the future.

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