Chapter Thirteen

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"Well good news brother your guest is here. A lovely show you put on for her too" Sly spoke his voice dripping with sarcasm once he got to Alcaeus's office while the young Alpha was already at his desk.

"I was just trying to explain--"

"To tell Hele that you don't want her and that you're sending her to the furthest corner of the earth? Yes, I gathered that" Sly sighed shaking his head at his brothers brainwashed methods "we have been around in circles and you're not listening to me so I'm not going to bother lecturing you anymore alright."

"About time" Alcaeus grumbled.

"I do think this is a stupid idea but it's yours" Sly continued causing Alcaeus to stare with a look seeming very unimpressed "plus it's only a matter of time before you see the shit storm you've caused yourself" Sly muttered smugly as he walked out. Sly may have muttered it but they were still wolves and that sentence sounded at full volume to the younger Gallen's causing him to growl at his brother. As soon as the door closed behind Sly, Alcaeus let out a long sigh he was being given a tough time from Sly and Hele and even though he understood why it didn't stop the nagging at the back of his head that this was the right thing to do. He knew Sly was wrong there father was a strong Alpha and even he fell to the hands of their grandfather how did Sly not see it would be no different for them but Hele he couldn't hold it against her she challenged him because she wanted them to be together how could she of thought otherwise when he had no self-control when they met but he had gathered his wits now and knew now he had made a mistake and was only doing what he thought best to correct it. He could have killed Hele but those doe eyes had him hook line and sinker and it would just be easier to send her away. Alcaeus had never wanted much in life he worked for what he got even when it came to their uncle and grandfather he held no grudge just following the family line but in all his years he had never wished until the second he laid eyes on Hele and wished things could be different.


"I'm guessing it didn't go well?" Helena questioned as soon as she laid her dark eyes on a pensive looking Sly "I heard the growl from out here."

"Stubborn as ever" Sly sighed shaking his head.

"What's going on?" Deiha looked between the two confused.

"He's sending me away" Hele bluntly put she had never had much of a filter when she spoke.

"Sending you away? What we had a deal he was supposed to take care of you and keep you safe--"

"What deal?" Helena was the one now who seemed confused.

"He thinks he is keeping her safe" Sly spoke though he wasn't pleased with his brother's decision he was always quick to defend him.

"I see..." Deiha replied understanding the idea. Frankly, the thought of even pretending to be a Gallen's future mate was terrifying she couldn't imagine actually being one.

"Could someone tell me what is going on?" Helena growled out at the two in irritation.

"It is hard to explain" Sly was sympathetic over the matter.

"Hard to explain? How is it hard to explain why would Deiha have a deal with Alcaeus?" She had dropped the nickname for her mate as quickly as she had picked it up. Seeing as they are more estranged than anything Helena figured she would be more formal.

"It's just a mutual benefiting thing, Hele. You know how much I want to get out of my father's pack and well Alcaeus has similar family issues..." Deiha dragged out the last part not wanting to divulge too much of the situation. How who she even begin to explain to Helena that she is expected to become mates with Alcaeus.

"What family issues? What is going on?" It was obvious the petite she-wolf was growing agitated though werewolves didn't usually have the best patience or tempers.

Sly let out a sigh "Hele..."

"Don't bother" Helena shook her head before turning on her heel and making her way down the hall.

"I should—"

"I will speak to her. You better see my brother first" Sly interrupted before following after the angry she-wolf and leaving Deiha standing in the hall. She could see the large imposing doors of the office looking much like their owner. When she had shouted at Alcaeus it was a rare occurrence Deiha wasn't usually so hot heated but to defend her friend she couldn't help herself but now she was her usual self which caused her to feel all the more anxious. With a nervous breath, she approached the door letting the heels on her feet rap against the hardwood floor. For a cold man, he certainly had a warm homey feeling house. Finally, outside the doors, she raised her elegant hand and knocked.

"Come in" the deep voice spoke from within.

"Alpha..." she began her nerves kicking in her formalities and frankly one wrong one move could get her killed or sent back to her father.

"Hello Deiha" he greeted a cold hard time as he spoke, "I gathered you've seen Helena first but I'm certainly hoping I could trust your discretion on the matter between us at the moment?" He wasn't even looking his head remained down writing whatever it was that was keeping him so captivated.

"You can. I've told Hele a little but nothing about the plans..." she let out a sigh "I was told you're sending her away?"

He groaned "my brother and his big mouth" Alcaeus finally turned his attention to the blonde "yes, I'm sending her away but I am keeping our agreement don't worry she will be in a safe pack."

"I just want her safe, she's my friend—"

"And she's my mate" Alcaeus added though he remained cold his implication was clear to her.

"I know... And believe me, I do not want to tell her about us having to be Mated—" she didn't even get to finish the sentence when the doors slammed over. The wooden door vibrating from the force it hit the wall.

"You're what?!" Helena screamed her eyes already glowing golden and her fangs ready to bare. The little she-wolf was ready for a fight.

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