Chapter Seventeen

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The place wasn't at all what Helena had been expecting. Alcaeus wanted to hide her away at the ends of the earth in what she assumed would be some hovel but what she saw once out of the car was far from what she thought. Mountains as far as the eye could see covered in luscious green trees, flowers on the forest floor spreading for miles it was picturesque, to say the least, and Helena was practically floored as wolves seemed to happily roam free amongst the trees and Log cabins were set up in a large clearing and all of it made Helena feel at ease.

"This place is--" Helena looked around in awe.

"Stunning?" Sly concluded as he stepped out of the car.

"Extremely. How did you even find this place?" Helena couldn't help but marvel in the environment.

"Well, my little brother has his finger in many pies" Sly smirked to himself at the not so elegant clarification but the comment seemed to confuse Helena who simply gave his a strange look.

"I thought he would lock me away in some cage or something" Helena spoke seeming quite nonchalant about the idea.

"Alcaeus isn't completely cruel, Hele. He does have his reasons for what he does" Sly couldn't help but defend his brother "even if the reason stupid" he couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"Even if he sent me somewhere beautiful, Sly and he has his reasons. He refused to fight and he sent me away" Helena pouted like a child "I won't be overlooking those facts."

"Welcome," a voice suddenly interrupted their conversation. An older man greeted them with a smile, his deep brown eyes twinkling in the sunlight.

"Who are you?" Helena questioned.

"I'm Ruben, you must be Kingsly and Helena" he extended his hand to which Sly happily accepted.

"That's right. Thank you for letting Helena stay in your pack" Sly shook the man's hand firmly before dropping his hold.

"Of course Alcaeus said he needed help and well as much as we are a peaceful pack I'm not going to turn down the request of the young Alpha especially a Gallen" he explained giving continuing to give them both a smile.

"Still it's appreciated and I assume you've been informed about keeping things confidential" Sly questioned as he eyed the man.

"Of course, Alpha Alcaeus explained the situation there was a young she-wolf in danger that needed to be protected. That was enough for us to want to help" Ruben turned his gaze to Helena for a moment before turning back to Sly.

"Young she-wolf in danger" Helena grumbled "What a giant as—"

"Hele" Sly quickly cut her off "why don't you go give yourself a run" he encouraged. Helena seemed to brighten up at that it had felt too long since she had let out her inner wolf and it had only been a few hours but Helena never went a day without being in her wolf form frankly she had always preferred to be a wolf than a human so Sly didn't have to ask her twice before another word could be said she was running off on all fours. Brown fur running amongst the long grass.

"We have many here who prefer to be as their wolf selves she will fit in easily enough" Ruben commented as the men both watched the brown wolf play around the trees.

"I guess so" Sly continued to watch Helena already enjoying herself "welcome to your new temporary home, Hele."

Three days had passed since Helena left, three days since Deiha has her sit down with Alcaeus on his plans, his plans including her. He told her not to worry and that would have things covered that she will truly be on his side once she finally speaks to her father. All the information made her nervous but she had to follow through and live with the consequences of her actions. The drive was long, it fueled anxiety and worry. Deiha knew first hand what a cruel and awful man her father was but what could he have possibly done that Alcaeus was so positive that would completely sway her. The worry didn't stop when they pulled up to the house, of course, no one was waiting to greet her which wasn't too much of a surprise the pack was never fond of the idea that their next Alpha could be a female, she thought maybe her assigned to Alcaeus to be his mate might change some views but it didn't so Deiha let it go and once again kept to herself.

"Daughter, you're back earlier than expected" the first words her father said once she got to the sitting room. It was where he often sat after a long day pushing the warriors to train their hardest and attempting to make deals with other Alphas for more power. If there was one thing her father loved it was power.

"I know, father but I need to speak to you" her voice always fell soft when she spoke to him. Weak as though he drained all the strength from her with his mere presence.

"And what would that be about? The meeting with the young Alpha Gallen went well and that isn't a question, Deiha it had better of gone well" she stood up suddenly as though already expecting to be disappointed by her.

"That's what I wanted to speak to you about actually" she nervously toyed with the end of her long blonde hair as she stood in the centre of the room she felt like she had herself an easy target.

"And what do you want to speak about?" One of his slender eyebrows raised as he observed his daughter closely.

"Alcaeus and I came to an agreement that perhaps it wasn't the best idea that we become mates" as the words tumbled from her mouth she could already see the man turning red in anger.

"Stupid girl" he muttered "stay right here, Deiha I need to make a call" his voice suddenly became indifferent as his cold eyes turned her way for a moment before he left the room. Deiha was quick to run to the door in attempts to listen to the conversation. Her father had built the house especially to keep that from happening however with everyone being a wolf keeping things private had often been difficult after all. After a few muffled words, she quickly backed away from the door as she heard his quick footsteps approaching. The door opened and their Brais stood a smirk on his lips as he stepped into the room "You've always been a stupid girl, Deiha weak and pathetic but you've always had one quality that could be in use for me which was your beauty. Keeping you around I thought you would be of good use to bring power to the pack mating you to someone powerful and what better than a Gallen. Yet here you are once again disappointing me."

"Did you never account I would find my real mate?" she was used to his harsh words and they didn't bother her much anymore but her heart still tugged at the idea of her real mate. The sweet brunette warrior she met what felt like so many years ago.

Brais chuckled closing the door and with a simple flick of his wrist locking it "that simple warrior? He was in no use to me, Deiha I had to be rid of him. I've never been one to keep things around that aren't any use to me" his cold eyes set on Deiha with an unsettling smirk on his lips "and my dearest daughter, it doesn't seem that you are much use to me anymore..."

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