Chapter Eleven

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The doors to the office burst open with the wood pounding against the wall causing an odd twang noise to ring out "What did you do little brother?" Sly questioned. Their act in anger was quite similar as they both tended to tense their jaws as they spoke but despite Sly's anger Alcaeus seemed careless over the matter simply remaining slouched against his desk as he set down his phone.

"And whatever do you mean?" Alcaeus' eyebrow raised it was clear he was mocking over the matter.

"For someone who doesn't speak much how is it you can be such a bastard with so few words" Sly sighed and rubbed a singular finger over his temple "what did you do, Cae? I just saw one pissed off mate."

"I told her..." Alcaeus spoke oddly calm over the matter.

"Told her the truth? All of it?" Sly watched his brother in curiosity.

"I told her I didn't want her" Alcaeus' voice was soft yet somehow harsh as he spoke not daring to meet his brothers gaze.

"So you told her what? Another lie? To cover all the other lies" Sly an I unamused chuckle over the matter "quite the shit storm you're creating for yourself."

"It will be solved soon enough. Deiha will be here tomorrow I just got off the phone with Brais, we agreed with the following through of our union his daughter still agrees. Tomorrow she will visit and meet everyone here she will be staying for three days and then we will announce her role in the pack" Alcaeus explained it as though it was so simple.

"And what of your mate, Cae? You think Helena will sit quietly while you announce you will be taking another mate?" Sly couldn't believe his brother's actions it was becoming clear how much their grandfather's words had gotten to him.

"Helena and Deiha are friends" Alcaeus let out a sigh he wasn't fond of explaining things "There was an agreement between Deiha and me apart of it was that I would assure Helena was safe and Deiha would continue her role in all of this. They will spend the two days together so she can see Helena is safe but I will send Helena away the morning we announce our union."

"Cae, you do realise how idiotic this plan is?" Sly rubbed at the bridge of his nose while shaking his head the whole thing seems absurd.

"What would you have me do then, Sly hmm?" Alcaeus growled.

"I would dismiss this whole stupid idea. Kill that no good Alpha Brais his daughter hates him right? She would help us join our packs we will have more warriors, take your rightful mate and challenge grandfather and if uncle gets in the way challenge him too. Together you and me with our people we could do it--"

"No" Alcaeus was quick to dismiss.

"Why? This will never end, Cae don't you see. He will never stop and he will never truly step down to let you take over. You're just apart of another one of the packs under his thumb--"

"KINGSLY!" Alcaeus growled out his eyes a sea of blood staring daggers at his older brother "I am the Alpha here and you will respect that. Grandfather will step down he told me and I will take over but all these fantasies of challenging grandfather are just that, Sly they're fantasies" Alcaeus held a furious tone as he stormed back to his desk sitting himself down on his brown leather chair. His eyes remained on his older brother with fury radiating from them.

"They aren't fantasies... They could be a reality. We could be free from this ridiculous Gallen family law and do as we please..." he closed his eyes for a moment before focusing back on his little brother his one good eye all but pleading "I am the oldest and I admit I was stupid to insist on following grandfathers rules but you're the leader, Cae. You were a born leader and I have no doubts in my mind you could lead all of this" he directed his hands around them as his voice began to fall weak "I would have followed you to the ends of the earth but I can't... I won't stand by here and watch you do this and fall down the same path as all the other idiots of our family line" Sly gulped down struggling with his words "when you send Helena a way I will accompany her to keep her safe and assure a good transition—" a snarl released from Alcaeus lips his top lip quivering with his inhuman growls "calm down just to keep her safe, Cae..." he stepped closer to the desk letting his palms and fingers fall flat against the cold dark wood "I know you care for her, I do and I know you're trying but I wish you would realise this isn't the way" he gave an almost sympathetic smile "you're being stupid, little brother and I hope you realise it soon" Sly shook his head at Alcaeus his disappointment was becoming more and more in his brother and with his final word he turned and walked away.

A few hours away in the Carion's pack. Deiha stood by her balcony her slender fingers pressing onto the stone. Some days she felt like Repunzel locked away in a tower there hadn't been much on an outlet for her rarely let out of the home or as she called it prison with her power-hungry father. She was missing Helena terribly, Deiha didn't have many friends most treated her with respect because of her status but that was all but Helena was her friend and she just hoped Alcaeus would keep his end of the deal after all he had much more to lose than Deiha.

"Hey, Princess the Alpha is calling" her father's warrior Camden called her. It had become a nickname from the warriors much to her disapproval.

"Alright... I'm coming" she spoke softly. Deiha didn't have much to fight what her father wanted. Her mother and brother were dead which meant there was no future Alpha besides her but Brais had made it clear he wouldn't step down for a woman to take over her only hope to take over was her mate who died shortly after she found him.

Deiha just made it to the door of her father's office when he let out an impatient groan "It's about time girl."

"Sorry father.." Deiha quickly stepped into the room and closed the large carved door behind her.

"I just wanted to inform you that you will be leaving tomorrow" Deiha's eyes widened in surprise she had never been allowed out of the boundaries before.

"Where will I be going?" She couldn't help herself but ask.

"You aren't really one to question me now, are you? But you will be visiting with Alcaeus Gallen. He called today and told me that he agrees to your terms as long as you will agree with him and Deiha" his voice suddenly turned serious "and you will agree to his terms whatever they are" Brais let out out a breath before clutching his meaty fists together "Deiha, this agreement is important to my— Our future. An alliance with the Gallen's means power and power in our world is everything. Understand?" He was only his usual rants but Deiha didn't care he had lost her on Alcaeus agreeing to her terms.

"Yes, father. So Alcaeus agreed to all our terms then?" She wanted to make sure.

"Yes, he said he agrees. Now that's all. Be ready to leave at seven am tomorrow and do not be late" Brais ordered Deiha nodded and quickly scurried from the room she was struggling to hide her smile perhaps once and for all she could get out of this place.

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