Chapter Four

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"What will you do with me?" it had been a good question indeed. If he had simply snapped her neck the problem would have been solved. She was at his mercy but Alcaeus couldn't help himself but delve into his desires. Who was he to deny himself? Not a sublime being just a werewolf who bled like any other had the same needs as everyone else. Though his great grandfather, his grandfather and uncle and frankly as many generations back as he heard of in his family could kill their mates but here he was. The muscular young man naked as the day he was born standing before his stunning mate and he couldn't bring himself to follow through on what so many generations had done. Instead of following the rules becoming the leading wolf of the Gallen clan and everyone had expected after his brother had let everyone down here Alcaeus was falling into the same trap and Alcaeus did the one thing to make the matters much worse he let himself take her.

Frantic fingers clutching desperately at each other with mouths moulded together, everything about their movements fit perfectly, the two were so in tune it was almost as though they were in a dance but despite their human form, they were also wolves so it was also savage and rough. Nails digging into flesh, teeth biting down between fierce kisses Alcaeus wanted nothing more but the sounds of approaching steps were saying otherwise.

"Someone is coming" Hele whispered barely releasing her lips from his neck.

"I know.." was all Alcaeus said in reply as he pulled himself reluctantly away from her. Hele's eyes stared up at him waiting for an answer that wasn't coming instead Alcaeus simply stepped further away towards the sounds of the others who were now closer "stay here." he practically ordered before walking further away till he was lost from Hele's view.


"You've been out here a while... And by the state of you, I'm guessing you're not out here killing her" Skai commented not even bothering to hide the smirk.

"Don't!" Alcaeus barked causing both men to quickly straighten up "do you have my clothes?"

"Yes, Alpha" Luka was quick to obey handing over the neat pile of folded clothing.

"I need you both to do something. Find a wolf and kill it" Alcaeus spoke snatching the clothes from Luka "We are taking the little wolf with us" Alcaeus ordered as he began to get dressed.

"With all due respect... What about--"

"I am giving you an order. One that will remain from getting back to my grandfather or anyone for that matter. From this moment on as far as anyone is concerned that little wolf is dead got it?" his orders were clear and there was no time nor room for negotiation on the matter the warriors simply gave a nod and had to obey their Alpha's wishes.

"Yes Alpha" both men replied obediently before heading off on their mission and leaving Alcaeus to return to his mate. The young Alpha had been so caught up with the brunette he hadn't realised he should have been done by now so he was quick to hurry back. Through the trees once again to the clearing where he had left her. Hele had remained in the same place where he had left her with large golden eyes watching his every movement.

"Why have you dressed?" the first question that left her lips once he was closer.

"My warriors brought my clothes... I'm running out of time Hele so I need you to trust me. Can you do that?" Alcaeus questioned kneeling down in front of the girl letting his jacket slip back off and placing it over her bare shoulders.

"Trust you? You are my mate Cae" she spoke so matter of factly as though the situation was as simple as that. He wasn't even sure if she should trust him but she needed to believe that at least right now to keep her or even both of them getting killed.

"Good, Hele. You're in danger here and if I let you walk out of here you will be killed do you understand?" he asked she seemed to back away but she still gave a nod in understanding "I need to do something to make it seem like you're dead so I can get you out of here."

Helena seemed to think over his words but only for a moment before she gave another nod in agreement "okay..." the answer was enough for him to proceed he just hoped she didn't hate him for it Alcaeus couldn't help the grimace growing across his face before in a single swift movement swinging his fist the direct hit into the side of her head was enough to drop her like a sack of potatoes it wasn't long after that his warriors had appeared dragging a dead wolf behind them leaving a path of blood across the dirt.

"Alright, let's get this over with.."


Knocking her out wasn't one of Alcaeus's proudest moments though five seconds before seeing her one of his proudest moments would have been labelled killing her how quickly things had changed in a matter of minutes. Everyone remained silent throughout the ride his mate remained unconscious making him wonder did he accidentally hit her too hard but she was breathing and occasionally muttering so that had to be a good sign.

"We are almost at the house" Skai finally broke the silence.

"When we pull in clear everyone out so we can get her inside. Reframe from saying anything to my brother I will never hear the end of it otherwise." Alcaeus laid out his orders as usual.

"Yes Alpha" they answered before the ride fell into silence once again leaving Alcaeus to his thoughts. A never-ending troubling mind was even worse as he battled the conflict inside his head. The right thing according to his brain and his family would have been to kill her and continue plans with Deiha but there was something in him just like his brother and father that apparently couldn't be denied a craving for this she-wolf and wanting to be with her even if it meant dying which seemed utterly insane but it would be something he would have to figure out once he was home and hopefully it could be figured out before his grandfather could find out.

"Alpha... We are home..."

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