Chapter Forty-Eight

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It was a game of cat and mouse as the two young Gallen's stalked their grandfather through the large castle-like building. Conri wasn't escaping his fate even with the ongoing fight outside the walls of the building. Through the halls, their heavy footsteps echoing the floors though Alcaeus couldn't help but occasionally let his mind drift considering his mate had returned after so long she looked different, more mature in some ways but he didn't care Alcaeus was simply happy to see his little wildling again and able to see her until she made her way back outside to the war raging on so she could check on her pack leaving the brothers to hunt down their grandfather.

"I didn't want it to have to come to this" Conri spoke suddenly surprising all three of them as he stepped into view. The old man lifted his silver claw releasing then balling it into a fist repeatedly "why couldn't you both just fall into line, you're my grandsons... My blood!" He let out with a snarl the claws on his hand tightening in the fisted form "yet here you both are disappointments, tainted with your mother's corrupt bloodline... Mates always make you weak! Look at your father... he was weak—" he quickly clamped his mouth shut realising his words.

"Father..." A slow smirk began to form on Sly's face at the realisation.

"Father's mother was your mate" Alcaeus finished the thought "you put up this big front about mates when all along you had a mate and even had a child with her."

"And look what I got... A weak boy, not worthy of ruling" he sneered turning up his crooked nose at the thought.

"I can't believe this" Sly chuckled at the hypocrisy of it all "this whole time you're nothing but a hypocrite."

"Shut your mouth" Conri growled.

"Why you don't like hearing the truth?" Sly just couldn't help himself but laugh.

"What happened to her?" Alcaeus suddenly asked his curiosity getting the better of him.

"What do you think" Conri stood a little taller as though proud of his next statement "I killed her."

"Why?" Alcaeus couldn't help his questioning knowing there was more to it "why did you kill her?" but Conri sneered once again and turned his gaze.

"This is rich" Sly shook his head "she hurt you didn't she? What she cheated or something?" Sly continued to laugh more how completely messed up the whole situation was "this whole thing, this whole enforced rule it's from your pathetic bitterness about your mate."

"Kingsly I suggest you stop speaking before I rip your tongue out" Conri snarled as he began stepping closer to his grandsons.

"I would like to see you try" Sly stood tall this time. He wasn't that little boy anymore cowering to the self-proclaimed Alpha Kings feet he was a grown man now and he wouldn't let this old man push him around anymore. Before Sly knew it Conri lunged swinging his clawed hand, the silver nailed tips just barely missing his chest. At the sight Alcaeus charged forward as his grandfather took another swing, he was older yes but the man was still quick and still strong like a bull, Alcaeus charged into the older Gallen knocking him off his feet, Alcaeus released a deep growl as he struck his grandfather in the jaw repeatedly till Conri was able to flip him off but he was barely able to get to his feet when Sly made his move a harsh jab to the stomach causing Conri to groan but quick to recover with his clawed hand he gripped the fingers through Sly's hair and yanking it harshly as he dragged his oldest grandson closer, Sly growled as he reached up to pull Conri's hand from his head he retracted quickly at the searing pain of the contact of the silver while distracted Conri turned him grabbing Sly in a choke hold with his opposite arm, Sly thrashed about clawing at the flesh of Conri's forearm but the older man didn't relent only applying more pressure making it hard for Sly to breath, Alcaeus rushed the older man a harsh punch in the back of the head causing Conri to stumble forward his hold weakening on Sly letting him slip from his clutches. Alcaeus stood behind the older man his bulky shoulders hunched as he heaved in heavy breaths in anger while Sly stood tall in front of their grandfather his top lip raised his fangs bared "it's over, grandfather. Just give up now" Alcaeus observed there was no way for the older man to make it out of this one.

"Give up? And what let you two have all I built. Perhaps once but the two of you have proven to be unworthy of my title and you would sooner have to kill me! Than me giving up!" He was screaming before lunging at Sly it was like when he was a boy those claws raised to strike his face but not this time when Alcaeus caught his arm mid-air. He growled at the contact of silver, his hand would be permanently scarred from the touch but he held a firm grip not relenting.

"Not this time" Sly spoke softly his words were almost sad as he stepped closer. Conri continued to struggle in Alcaeus's hold but there was no point with the young Gallen being able to overpower him "it's over" Sly stood directly in front of his grandfather his claws extended and in one vicious, fierce movement his dark claws plunged deep into the crevice of his chest, Conri let out a gasping breath at the action but Sly didn't relent as his hand wrapped around the older man's still-beating heart, it thundered within his chest cavity before finally without second thought Sly ripped it clean from his chest. The muscle ceasing to beat and Conri dropping lifeless to the floor. The old Gallen's time finally up, setting everyone under his oppressing rules were free.

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