Chapter Forty-Five

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It was still dark and barely anyone slept but they were ready and began their way to storm the older Gallen's Little Kingdom. No doubt in Sly's mind that Conri knew they were coming and the only thing Sly had that stood them any chance was the direction they took the place and the time of their attack. He was certainly hoping they got the chance to surprise him if his grandfather knew of their attack that would be it, Conri had built a vast empire in which many were not willing to go against and Sly just hoped everything they had prepared even though rushed was enough to take on the man.

It was quiet as the proceeded to the large castle-like structure Sly leading the packs one side while Luka led the other. Perhaps it was foolish and a suicide mission, Sly could only hold onto the kiss he gave Deiha before he left and hoped it wasn't his last but as they smoothly made their way into the territory the concerns were lowered, they were able to take care of the guards at the edge of the territory before the Alpha could be alarmed so it seemingly left the place defenceless for the moment but those hopes were quick to be dashed when an army of wolves began descending from between buildings as though they were just materialising out of nowhere. The loud howls and growls surely could be heard from miles around as an all-out war broke out amongst the city. Wolves against wolves they fought their hardest and Sly took on any who got in his path though he was partially blind Sly could still fight with the best of them and he was certainly in a state of determination. Though there hadn't been any sign of Conri the pack was fully enforced. A few on both sides had already been taken down but Sly along with those who followed attempted to keep fighting their way into the pack. He didn't know much about Niko's side but only hoped they were doing their best to hold up their side but the more wolves they killed the more that seemed to appear it was like a never-ending flood and knowing Conri they were trained well and ravenous creatures. The packs were doing their best but numbers were being to dwindle as the hours passed and exhaustion was setting in another horror-struck Sly when he looked up before him to see his grandfathers beta, standing on the steps of the grand place, naked and covered in blood he held a smug grin when his closed fist lifted a severed head into the air by the hair, it was so bloody and badly beaten it was hard to tell who it was until it dawned on him that it was Luca, Luca who was leading the other side. Worry rushed over Sly and with his distraction a transformed werewolf leapt at him luckily it's teeth only got sink into his forearm as he lifted it just in time to save himself from the attack, it wasn't a large wolf luckily it only knocked him off balance but not enough to fall to the ground. Sly snarled those Gallen family trait eyes glowing like a raging lava bit practically beamed at the medium-sized with as he tossed it from his now wounded arm with ease cause it to tear a good chunk of flesh from his arm but he didn't take much notice even as the blood flowed freely down his partially transformed claw he stalked over to the wolf, at that moment it may as well be a wounded deer as his prey and he certainly had no mercy as in one vicious motion slashed down with his claw across the wolves neck it barely had enough time to whimper before his assault left it lifeless "Give it up Sly!" Conri's beta called from the steps the head still in his clutch "he won't win this, slowly your numbers are dwindling and soon there will be no one left. Your grandfather will win as he always does and if you're lucky you will survive more disfigured than you are of course" a wicked grin across his face "the others are already taken down you and the group here are all that is left. Surrender now and maybe just maybe he will show you some mercy" the smug, cocky demeanour he had irritated Sly to no end they were dwindling in numbers and things were looking grim but he would sooner die than give in to that old bastard once again.

"Never!" Sly shouted back that defiance ablaze in his eyes. For a moment the Beta seemed almost taken back but of course, it would be surprising it wasn't every day someone was going up against the great Conri.

"So be it young master Gallen, don't say you weren't warned" he tossed the head aside which caused Sly to almost wince. He had known Luka a long time after all but there were many they had lost today and he didn't have time to start grieving for the loss. With a heaving chest and panting breath, he watched as the Beta raised his hand ready to signal a wave of wolves to come down upon them Sly got himself ready to take on as best he could if he was going down he would be going down fighting but the raised hand didn't get a chance to signal as a large grey wolf leapt through the air it's jaw opening and in one swift motion ripped the Beta's hand from the joint he didn't get a chance to scream when at least five other grey wolves descended upon him. Sly began to look around a sea of grey wolves suddenly joining the fight but amongst them, he couldn't help recognise an all to familiar little brown wolf. She was here... Helena.

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