Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He had never been so relieved to see someone so once his eyes set upon the tiny she-wolf standing on the first floor. A sense of hope came over him, hope that their might actually be a better future after all. "Where is he?" she snapped. Not much time had passed yet the girl seemed so different from the one he had left in a supposed safe place.

"You're alive?" Sly seemed simply confused over the whole situation.

"I ran..." she simply said as though that explained everything.


"Where is he?" she asked again more demanded this time.

"Hele--" it was Deiha who stepped in this time.

"Dei? What are you doing here? I thought... Alcaeus told me... Are you two still going to be mated?" her voice was quick to change. She was a tiny creature but proven to be very jealous and territorial when it came to Alcaeus despite her dislike of the man.

"No, no it's not like that" Sly defended as he began descending the staircase.

"Then what is it like?" she growled out.

"I am still here because..." Deiha seemed almost nervous as she followed Sly down the staircase till the pair were in front of Helena "I've chosen another" she simply said her hand quick to take Sly's while their fingers laced together.

"Oh" Helena gave a nod in understanding before looking around "we can get to this later I need to see Alcaeus, something is very wrong with him, Sly I can feel it" her honey coloured eyes widened in a sort of pleading manner.

"I know, Hele" Sly's eyes quickly fell to stare at the floor.

"But if you're here..." Deiha gave Sly's hand a squeeze a small smile forming "we need to take you to him. Now."


It was quiet in the infirmary as they hurried through the building. Helena watched nervously at their surroundings as she followed behind Sly and Deiha. The uneasiness was settled in her chest and she couldn't deny her overwhelming worry for Alcaeus no matter how much of an ass he was, he was still her mate and deep down she cared for his wellbeing so when she got the overwhelming pain in her chest a few days prior she knew she had to see him. She didn't know what she was expecting to find but certainly not that the mighty Alpha was hospitalised and struggling to stay alive.

"Who's this?" the guard by the door questioned his eyes almost black as night focused on Helena who couldn't help but growl.


"She's okay, I wouldn't have brought her if I didn't trust her" Sly interrupted standing over the guard who gave Helena another once over before stepping aside letting the three enter.

"The fact I am his mate is still hidden?" Helena scoffed "unbelievable."

"Hele, it's just--" but it didn't matter any more as Deiha hushed him once she noticed Helena already fixated on her unconscious mate.

"I want to be alone" she suddenly snapped her back suddenly to the pair as her whole focus was on Alcaeus.

"But Hele..."

"Alone!" she growled.

"We will be right outside" Deiha quickly guided Sly from the room leaving her alone with the unconscious man. The sight in front of Helena was enough to sadden her with her once strong mate so defenceless. Tubes and wires running from his body while darkening veins seemed to pulsate under his oddly pale flesh that seemed to stem from under the bandages that cover his throat.

"What happened to you?" Helena whispered as she stepped closer to the man. He perhaps seemed weaker but she couldn't deny he was still as handsome as ever "oh Alcaeus, what did you get yourself into. Still as stupid as ever I gather" she attempted to tease before letting out a sigh and sitting down onto the edge of the bed "you shouldn't have sent me away, you need me just as much as... As much as I need you, we were supposed to be together for a reason, Alcaeus" Helena reached out and touched the cool skin of his arm "now look where it's gotten you but... I'm here now even if you sent me away I'm here now so just get better please because you can't die on me okay, everyone needs you,
They need their Alpha and I need my damn prick of a mate" she huffed "so you better wake up because I will be here calling you all sorts of names until you do until you are back here with me" Helena brushed her fingers over his usually neat and well-kept hair that now lay unruly on the pillow "but remember one thing when you wake up it doesn't by any means mean that I have forgiven you" she snapped at him and for the first time in days Alcaeus's eyes began to open.

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