Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Where is he?" Sly questioned some of the warriors after he summoned them to the house. Still wearing his flannelet pyjama pants and t-shirt Sly didn't care much about the lack of formalities in the matter he just wanted to find his brother. It was almost ten and all they knew was Helena was gone after leaving a note and Alcaeus was nowhere to be seen.

"Perhaps he left with the girl?" Simien suddenly offered an answer.

"And why would he do that?" Zachariah snapped back. The large wolf almost the size of an Alpha and at only nineteen "he is our Alpha he wouldn't leave without a word."

"Are you that simple? Haven't you heard the rumours that girl is Alpha Alcaeus's mate. His true mate" Simien explained further but the younger man growled.

"That isn't true! You know the Gallen reputation" Zachariah promptly spoke up again. While Luca and Skai gave nervous looks to Sly as others muttered about how they had heard the same rumours.

"Enough!" Sly shouted over the relentless bickering forcing them all to fall into line "now Alpha Alcaeus's personal life is his own and if anything happens in it he will tell the pack when he is good and ready do I make myself clear?" he may not have had the title anymore but Sly still held authority in his tone and stance.

"Yes" they all quickly fell in line.

"Is it true he killed your uncle?" one suddenly muttered to which Sly snarled in the short blonde's direction.

"What did I just say?" Sly was growling out his words as he spoke. He didn't enjoy using such harshness over the pack but when they needed to fall in line he needed them to listen and none the less the blonde quickly fell back into his place "I want all over you out looking for any sign of Alpha Alcaeus, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir" they all replied.

"Then move out now!" he was practically screaming at them but they did indeed hurry out the door as though they had been set alight. Sly sighed and slumped back against his younger brothers desk concern had overtaken him and Sly was never good at handling stress.

" It's going to be okay" the soft sound of Deiha's voice made that tension lift slightly he couldn't help but give a smile to the girl who stood by the doorway.

"How do you know?" he questioned her, his dark burgundy eye watched as she slowly stepped closer to him.

"I just am... Maybe Alcaeus us blowing off steam especially if he knows Helena has left" Deiha didn't stop till she stood beside her chosen mate looking up at the very serious look he wore on his face.

"That's what I'm worried about, Deiha. What if he knows and went after her or has taken off somewhere in fury after finding out" Sly sighed once more before letting his face fall into the palms of his cupped hands.

"Sly, my love" Deiha moved to stand in front of the man. Her fingers gently brushing across his forearms then wrists until finally reaching his hands "your stressed and tired, you have been up before the sun was please go back to bed."

"I can't. I need to go out and look for Cae" Sly let his hands drop from his face back keeping them in Deiha's hold.

"The warriors are out looking, I will go looking" Deiha stepped closer letting her hands rest on his chest "go rest, shower and have something to eat" Sly couldn't help but smile at her which caused Deiha to look confused "why are you looking at me like that?"

"Thank you" he simply said before leaning in and giving a gentle kiss to her lips.

"For what?" she questioned.

"For looking after me" he brushed his fingers through her long golden strands of hair admiring the stunning woman before him.

"I am your mate, Sly. It's what we do" she leaned up and gently kissed his stubbled cheek. The hairs tickling her lips "now go and clean yourself up I will go help the warriors" the pair barely made it out of the room when the front doors downstairs flew open and there stood before them was a naked, dirty Alcaeus.

"Cae?" Sly called for his brother who stumbled into the house "Deiha, go call back the warriors" despite her shock Deiha simply gave a nod before running off while Sly went running towards his younger brother. When he got down the stairs Alcaeus was silent as he stumbled along the floor leaving dirt and blood in his path from his bleeding feet "Cae, what happened?" still silence remained until finally, Alcaeus lifted his gaze his eyes looking directly into Sly's.

"She's gone isn't she?"

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