Chapter Twenty-two

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"Just don't come back"

When the words left Helena's lips she had to contain her entire being from crumbling before the mighty Alpha but as soon as he disappeared into the thick of the woods she let a steady flow of tears roll down her cheeks as she stood there. Her legs felt like jelly as though they could buckle beneath her at any moment but she remained still. Helena was completely raw not only physically was she naked but so were her emotions. Helena forced her eyes to close refusing to let another tear fall the young girl had let herself cry enough after all it wasn't like she had ever thought about having a mate. She had spent years amongst wolves even when she was taken in she was merely an outsider who was staying amongst them, she had made one friend and that had become enough for her so when the large handsome man appeared before her it almost knocked her off of her feet but she happily accepted. Despite her bizarre life finally, there was someone who would understand her but that was merely a childish dream it seemed. Alcaeus hurt her when he ignored her, dismissed her it only hurt further when he was planning on mating another who turned out to be her friend but the final blow was the fact he wasn't willing to choose her and that made Helena's heart shatter. She hadn't felt so much pain since her family died and just like that moment in her childhood she was left all alone in the woods to cry.

"Helena?" The familiar voice of Denise one of the pack members she had grown quickly close to called out into the small wood clearing. The sound pulled Helena from her thought causing her the frantically wipe at her wet, flushed face "Helena?" She called once more but she didn't want the older woman to see her in such a state so Helena let her body reshape and form into her wolf self. Bones cracking, breaking and elongating till a brown furry wolf stood in the spot she just stood "Helena?" She heard her name being called once more but instead, she turned and fled taking off into the darkness of the woods.


It was late into the night when Alcaeus returned the large black wolf barged open the front doors causing the heavy wood to sound out throughout the house. It was only three people in the house Sly, Deiha and himself and disturbing their sleep wasn't really high on his list of concerns but by the time he got to the staircase and his large paws began to walk up the steps, Sly was already at the banister that overlooked the first floor. His eyes barely opened, long hair swept back into a ponytail and covering his body was some flannel pants and grey hoodie all that made it obvious the older of the two had just gotten up from bed "Cae, you're home" he spoke but the large wolf proceeded its way up the stairs not even sparing his older brother a glance "Cae..." he spoke once the wolf got to the second floor.

"What's going on?" Deiha asked after opening the guest room but remaining to stay in the doorway.

"Cae is home" Sly simply answered before following the wolf as it made its way down the hall and quickly turned into the dark wood and royal blue bedroom. Sly stood patiently by the doorway as his younger brother in his usual moody state wandered to his large window the curtains still drawn letting in the moonlight which was the only thing lighting the room. Finally, Alcaeus transformed back into his human self but remained silent as he carelessly walked to his drawers for some pants "How did it go?"

"I assume you can gather" he spoke continuing his search in his drawer.

"Can you blame her?" Sly asked as he stepped further into the darkroom.

"No.." Alcaeus held a monotone as he pulled some sweat pants from the drawer and quickly sliding them on.

"I didn't mean that to be harsh, Cae..." Sly couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of sorrow for his brother.

"It's fine, I caused it after all" Alcaeus gave a shrug.


"She told me not to come back," he said suddenly as he remained by the drawers his eyes staring at the black metal handle as though it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Did you tell her what you're doing?" Sly suddenly asked causing Alcaeus to turn in surprise "I figured it out once you sent her away... Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought it would be best to do alone. Especially if I fail" Alcaeus explained.

"Cae, you won't fail especially if you let me help you" his voice suddenly lowered "taking them down is a lot to do alone you're risking—"

"Everything, I know" Alcaeus sighed as he turned to face his older brother.

"Even if she doesn't forgive you?" Sly couldn't help but ask.

"Even if she doesn't.. if I win at least she would be completely safe. No threats just because she is mated to me" Alcaeus spoke but the emotions behind the words forced his gaze to drop from embarrassment "now if you will excuse me I need to rest" he suddenly added.

"Right..." Sly began walking to the door once again while Alcaeus got himself settled pulling back the covers on the bed "I'm glad you're home little brother... I love you now don't keep anything from me again" he let out a light chuckle "goodnight."

"Goodnight" Alcaeus replied as he got into the bed. The door closed and he was alone in the room. It wasn't as comfortable without Helena but it helped her scent still lingered in the air. He couldn't blame her dislike of him that was completely understandable but as he prepared to get some sleep he hoped that maybe one day he could win her over.

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