Chapter Twenty

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"You called off your arrangement so I've heard. Your grandfather will not be pleased" was the first sentence Alcaeus heard once he entered his office first thing in the morning. There was his uncle Sarvis leaning leisurely back on the large wooden desk.

"I'm twenty-five and proven to be a fit Alpha I don't see the rush on having to take a mate" Alcaeus spoke carelessly striding past his uncle "where did you hear this anyway? From one of your many ears?"

"You know I have many close friends around, Alcaeus and don't toy with me this is about your little mate, isn't it? Even after I warned you" Sarvis's gaze followed the young Alpha all the way till he was seated at his desk.

"No, things are complicated yes but it isn't to do with Helena. I've sent her away as you can see, uncle and does it matter if I've turned down the arrangement after all I heard last night Deiha is now a fugitive when it comes to her pack?" Alcaeus leaned pack his dark gaze matching his uncles.

"Indeed, she attempted to kill her Alpha and some warriors that got in the way. Frowned upon when it isn't an official challenge over leadership. You wouldn't happen to know where the blonde beauty is would you?" Sarvis's eyebrow raised in question.

"How would I, Uncle? After all, I'm no longer tied to her?" A smirk played on his lips and Sarvis scowled knowing his nephew was playing the game.

"Don't make me—"

"Make you what? This is my pack. I am in charge here, I am the Alpha so quickly think before you speak" Alcaeus's fists landed on the table as he slowly rose from his seat.

"Challenging me nephew?" Sarvis questioned eyebrow still raised in interest.

"You would have to be an Alpha for me to challenge you, Uncle. Not just grandfather right hand" Alcaeus held his smirk as he started his uncle down "even if I know where she is why does it matter to you? You don't have any ties with her pack do you?"

"I would quit while you're ahead, Alcaeus" Sarvis suddenly spoke his tone deep and almost threatening.

"I think you should leave Uncle" Alcaeus's tone turned calm as he sat back down in his large leather seat.

"Alright" he simply said before turning and heading for the door "though I would be careful if I were you, Nephew after all I know you're secret."

"Is that a threat?" it wasn't even a question really Alcaeus knew exactly what it was.

"Merely a warning" Sarvis stood by the doorway glancing over his shoulder.

"A question before you go. You put her there on purpose, didn't you? How did you know she would be my mate?" Alcaeus couldn't help but the question.

"All I had to do was find a Seer dear boy, it isn't difficult. You should be thanking me though shouldn't you since you couldn't kill her and if I didn't kill her family you would have never found her" he chuckled before turning to face his nephew "but just remember how quickly that can all change, Nephew" and with that, he left leaving a seething Alcaeus behind.


A little over a week he had left it for. Long enough to throw whoever was watching him off his tail as he continued on his regular routine. Making it seem as though he wasn't planning but that wasn't hard for Alcaeus it was easy after so long to pretend to follow the rules. There was no sign his grandfather knew of Helena yet which meant Sarvis hadn't said anything either which only made it easier for Alcaeus to follow through with his own plans which included paying a visit to his little mate. With the help of Sly and Deiha Alcaeus took off in the middle of the night. His big black wolf using the cover of night to travel, he couldn't risk a car it would be easy to see and though he didn't spend much time in his wolf form he didn't have many options but it took three days. Three days to sneak across pack lines, hide in the shadows and make his way to Helena which wasn't easy for an Alpha but he knew he had to. It wasn't hard to find her not for Alcaeus anyway amongst the trees in a small clearing of the forest was the small brown wolf stretching out on the grass and embracing the warm sun. He hadn't seen her in little over a week but she was still as stunning. Alcaeus remained in the dark observing making sure there was no danger ahead before one step after another he approached. No doubt she was furious and didn't want to see him frankly he wasn't sure he was ready to see her but he didn't have much of a choice he had to check on her and make sure Sarvis hadn't attempted to follow through with his threat. The little brown wolves ears perked up before rolling onto her belly, her sparkling golden eyes immediately finding the large figure approached causing her to growl. Alcaeus didn't have much time as soon as he checked on her and warned her he was planning on leaving, Alcaeus could have sent someone else but deep down the young Alpha longed for his tiny she-wolf.

"What are you doing here?" Was the first thing she said once she was back in human form. Standing before the wolf just like when they had first met.

Within a few minutes, Alcaeus was in his human form also "something has happened."

"What you changed your stupid mind?" She snapped at him which only made him chuckle.

"I know what you believe, little wolf and I know I have made you believe it also but..." he stepped closer it hadn't been long and the pull between them was undeniable and Alcaeus cursed himself for not being stronger "There is more danger out there" Alcaeus spoke his voice falling soft.

"More that you're not going to tell me about right? Why not send a warrior or Sly to do your dirty work?" She couldn't help but question.

"Because I.." he began but was quick to cut himself off. It was one thing to delve into his own thoughts over his mate but to speak them aloud was another.

"Alcaeus..." her large honey-coloured eyes stared up at him the depth of those eyes got him each and every time "did you want to see me?"

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