Chapter Thirty-Six

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The irony wasn't lost when they had to attend their uncle's funeral. Play their part as the nephews of the man. Sly was up to the task but Alcaeus had become quite the shell of himself since Helena had left with only the promise she would return when she was ready. His reaction was different this time being without her the first Alcaeus was unsettled but could handle it this time however perhaps because he didn't know where his mate was made him so hollow and distant. "Come on, Cae" Sly said as he helped secure the fur robe over Alcaeus's shoulders. In formal affairs, they were always expected to wear traditional attire even though Alcaeus had never been very traditional.

"I've got it" Alcaeus grumbled fastening the button on the robe to secure it on his broad shoulders.

"You guys look great" Deiha spoke from the doorway observing the two large men.

"Thanks, baby" Sly shot the girl a smile.

"Thank you" Alcaeus simply replied still looking down at his outfit.

"Cae... She said she would be back" Sly attempted to encourage his brother from his mood.

"I know" was all he replied with, however.

"She's not gone forever. She didn't leave you—"

"Let's go" Alcaeus abruptly cut him off swiftly turning on the heel of his bare feet and walking out. Another tradition Alcaeus didn't enjoy. With a sigh, Sly and Deiha simply followed the sulking young Alpha.


To no surprise the funeral was busy. They had gotten a lot of nervous side looks from Sarvis's pack majority knowing the truth of the matter but Alcaeus didn't spare a glance as he and Sly stood at the front alongside their grandfather. Alcaeus hadn't seen his grandfather since the man had slit his throat to which he still bared the scars similar to his brother but their grandfather was the master of compartmentalising and simply remained formal and polite during the whole matter. They gave speeches of how he was a wonderful leader, strong and loyal all enough to make Sly have to reframe from rolling his eyes till finally it was over and the three had to approach the corpse that sat in the centre of the field the had gathered in. Resting in his formal attire atop the large stack of branches, leaves and sticks he still looked battered in bruised in his deceased state. Conri, Alcaeus and Sly held large torches alight with flickering flames then tossing them onto the pile beneath their uncle's body and watched it come to life with flames.

"May you have a safe return home to the moon goddess" Conri spoke before they all began to howl. A long and saddened howl signalling the death of their departed. Sly had stepped back to Deiha's side while Alcaeus remained by the fire watching his uncle's body blister, blacken and burn then smell of burning flesh was unpleasant but still, he remained "I hope you have learnt your lesson now, boy. Since your uncle is gone you certainly need to step up" Conri started to speak as he stood beside the youngest Gallen " I will need a new second and I am hoping it will be you especially if you are over this little rebellious act of yours."

"You almost killed me" Alcaeus spoke through gritted teeth.

"All in the past if you accept your place. I still believe you could be my successor, Alcaeus. Take the throne after me and your place as Alpha of all Alpha's but first, you have to know where you stand, that you have to listen to me" Conri turned to face his grandson "Brais has brought his niece. Despite the disappointment with his daughter and your response last time we can still work something out. She is also the daughter of a strong Alpha" he continued as he waved over Brais and who Alcaeus assumed was his niece. She had similarities of Deiha, not as blonde however but still a feminine beauty all the same though anyone could stand in front of Alcaeus it didn't matter who it was no one compared to his little wildling mate.

"Alpha's" Brais bowed his head in respect while the girl beside him held a shy smile directed at Alcaeus.

"Alpha... Alpha" she spoke quietly bowing to the pair also.

"Isn't she stunning, Alcaeus?" Conri encouraged of his grandson "certainly we can proceed" the older man smiled and gave a firm pat on Alcaeus's shoulder who had simply remained seething and silent the whole time "though we first have a task before you two will be mated of course. Sarvis's pack is open and has no Alpha since who killed him never claimed the title we need to track down the wolf who killed your uncle and kill him first—"

"It was me" Alcaeus suddenly spoke.

"Excuse me?" Conri spoke a confused look over his face.

"It was me" Alcaeus growled out "I killed Sarvis."

"You? You killed your uncle?" Conri's eyes suddenly were set ablaze with anger.

"I did and I would do it again" Alcaeus stared his grandfather in the eye almost in a challenge.

"Why?" He simply asked.

"Because He was trying to take my mate" Alcaeus informed him and the shock and horror of what Alcaeus had said showed on his face before another work Conri went for the strike again lifting his silver claws but this time Alcaeus caught his wrist without batting an eyelash "Not today, grandfather" he growled out pushing the older man away before starting to walk away.

"Don't walk away from me!" Conri screamed "do you have any idea what you have done? The consequences coming for you!"

"Let them come" Alcaeus growled as he continued walking away.

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