Chapter Eighteen

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It was the middle of the night when Sly returned leaving a settled and adjusted Helena in her new home. He'd been hesitant to leave the girl but he had to return at some point and face his angry little brother but when he arrived it wasn't at all what he had expected warriors were in arms at the entrance while Alcaeus was stomping out of the house a phone glued to his ear.

"What's going on?" Sly questioned as he approached the crowd of guards.

"The Carion girl attacked her father and fled" Luka explained as he stood at attention waiting for orders. An unsettled feeling formed in Sly's stomach before he quickly made his way through the crowd to his younger brother.

"Cae! Cae!" he called his younger brother who turned revealing a deep frown held on his well-sculpted face.

"Sly, you're back early" he's frown remained but his voice had softened.

"What's going on?" Sly couldn't help but ask.

"Deiha attacked her father. She's run off and Carion and his men are searching for her" Alcaeus explained.

"What's the plan?" Sly asked he already knew his little brother would have one.

"We need to search for her while we hold off Carion. If she's attacked him she's done as I've asked which means she has information I need" he summed up as usual for Alcaeus another person just a means to an end for him.

"I will go look for her leave me two warriors to help but you're the Alpha brother you have a better chance at slowing him down" Sly suggested.

"Agreed, Luca and Kena help Sly find the girl the rest with me" Alcaeus confirmed with a nod before signalling his men to follow letting their wolves take over and storming the woods. They clearly didn't have much time and Sly was one of the best trackers his sight may have failed to be of use but he was still of Alpha blood, a strong bloodline and his hearing and sense of smell were impeccable.

"Her scent is faint in the air westbound which means she's close to our territory. Luca runs along the north-west side, Kena goes south-west I will run the middle. Let's go" He ordered. He wasn't one to usually call orders but the urgency of the matter was obvious and he certainly wasn't going to let something happen to a sweet girl like Deiha. The three men ran to the woods there were only a few hours between their land and the Carion territory and if she was close it was clear she was running and running fast so Sly picked up the pace deeper into the darkness the only light from the moon and stars that shone through the gaps of the trees but it was barely enough and Sly completely relied on his senses to guide him. In the distance, he could hear warriors and he hoped they were on his side but as he listened closely he could hear l the heavy panicked breaths, the sniffling and sobs filling his ears which he eagerly followed. Through the trees guiding himself deeper and deeper, his ears and smell were good, yes but he had no doubts others would surely hear her too.

"Please.." her weak voice cried as he heard her stumbling steps clearly exhausted. He was getting close and thanking the Goddess he was a wolf if they were merely humans she would in no doubt of his mind been a lost cause. However his nose could smell for miles and his ears were as sharp as tacks "please.." he heard her call again it was weaker this time but she was closer. He knew he was on the right track but the closer he got the more he heard and the growl and snarls of wolves were in the air. Sly knew deep in his gut they were Carion's and if they reached Deiha first she was dead. So he pushed himself he couldn't risk turning now he just had to find her. The branches clawed at his arms occasionally while he attempted to get through the thick brush. "No!" The loudness of the voice caught him off guard but only a few meters away there she stood the elegant pretty blonde all battered and bruised as though she'd just climbed out of a pit with a lion. She was weak and struggling on her feet as two wolves emerged from the darkness snarling and snapping at her before Sly knew what he was doing he ran into the fight knocking one of the wolves back before it could reach her as the other lunged he lifted his arm to block its attack sacrificing as its fangs sunk into his flesh, Sly growled the wolf quickly released its hold when a large stick came down onto its back causing it to yelp. Sly turned his gaze seeing Deiha wielding the weapon before she swung it again hard down on its spine, Sly turned preparing to take the other that was growling ferociously. Sly snarled allowing his claws to elongate from his nails and by the time it lunged again he gave a swift swipe of his claws letting the sharp nails glide through its throat. It dropped to the ground quickly gasping and choking on its own blood as it struggled to breathe while it bled out giving enough time for Sly to turn to see Deiha continuing to swing down the branch over the wolf her forceful blows had practically turned the thing to mincemeat. Sly approached her slowly and capturing her arm before she swung once more. Deiha's bright eyes met his and she couldn't help but let out a cry as the branch slipped from her grasp then fell into Sky's chest her fingers grasping at his hooded jacket while she hid her battered face into the fabric "It's alright" Sly whispered scooping the girl into his arms. His arms tucked snuggly under her form and she held onto him like a snivelling child "it's alright now, I've got you."

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